This repository contains Python utilities for the book "Principles of Planetary Climate", by Raymond T. Pierrehumbert
Folder containing the original ClimateUtilities, ported to for Python 3. Developed with the goal to have a stand-alone set of modules available for all required computational tasks.
Same as "ClimateUtilities", but with simplified code-base due to the dependence on the Python packages pandas and scipy.
* ...... physical properties of some gases important for planetary atmospheres
includes the corresponding *DataFrame* structures
* . demonstrates important mathematical tools for climate-calculations
* math_demos.ipynb ... corresponding IPython-notebook
* ....... some physical constants
* .... physical properties of planets, and some moons
includes the corresponding *DataFrame* structures
* ...... functions for the determination of *saturation vapor pressure*,
and for the calculation of the *moist adiabate*
* .... adds the current folder to the IPython-path
IPython notebook solutions for the exercises in Chapter 1