An app to learn how to say your favorite foods in your new favorite language!
How do you ask for chicken in France? Eggs in Spain? Cake in Germany? With Foodie Phonetics, the user will be able translate a variety of foods into a new language so he/she can be a foodie anywhere! The MVP is a fully working English to French version of the app.
Using a spaced repetition algorithm, Foodie Phonetics teaches the user how to say the most common food items in their language of choice. Each time the user gets a question correct, that question is moved farther back in a simulated singly linked list. If the user gets a question incorrect, it will be moved to the top of the list. This way, the user can practice what they don't know more frequently that what they do know.
The production-ready version of Foodie Phonetics can be found at:
username: demo
password: demouser123
A RESTful API was created to handle the requests from the client portion of Foodie Phonetics. Please refer to the server repo for further details. (
The front-end was developed with React, Redux, and Redux Form. Styling was done with CSS.
The back-end was developed with NodeJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Express.
Testing was done with Mocha, Chai, and Jest.
For production, Heroku and Netlify were used.