This project setups a service API for collecting city weather data from Open Weather API, and consist of several services running on Docker containers:
Weather Service API
PostgreSQL Database
Celery Worker
Celery Flower
It implements two endpoints:
- Receives a POST request with an
, stores it in the DB, and then triggers async tasks for fetching city weather data from Open Weather - The collected data is stored in a
in the DB.
- Receives a POST request with an
- Receives a GET request with an
url param and returns the progress cities weather data collection
- Receives a GET request with an
Create a local
file by creating a copy of the sample file:cd weather_service cp .env.sample .env
Update the
with your Open Weather API key- Get one by creating a free account on Open Weather.
Ensure you have Docker up and running, and then build the containers:
docker compose build
Start the containers, and the API will run on http://localhost:8000/
docker compose up -d
To start collecting weather data:
curl -d "user_id=999" -X POST http://localhost:8000/weather/cities
To check the collected data progress:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/weather/progress?user_id=999
To stop your app:
docker compose down
In case you want a closer look on the database objects, you can use Django's builtin Admin app.
Create a super user:
docker exec -it weather-service-django-1 python3 createsuperuser
Then use it to login into the admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/
To monitor running tasks check Celery Flower: http://localhost:8888/
In case you want to stop all the tasks, you can purge the tasks queue:
docker exec -it weather-service-celery-1 celery -A weather_service purge
After the app is running, you can test it with Coverage:
docker exec -it weather-service-django-1 coverage run test
To check the test coverage report:
docker exec -it weather-service-django-1 coverage report
Open Weather free account has a 60 request/minute limit. This app relies on two strategies to avoid going over it:
Using the
Celery task param to ensure a worker won't execute it more than it should.- This param must be updated in the future if scaling workers becomes necessary
Task retries with exponential backoff
- When a request to Open Weather fails with a 429 HTTP error, it will be retried with increasing wait times to avoid storming their API with requests
Django comes with a default Admin app that allows easy management of the models data. It is not necessary for this app to run and can be easily disabled in the future, but was kept for now as it helps visualizing the data during development.