Objective: To create a RESTful API for a personal document management system where users can upload, download, and manage documents in different formats (pdf, docx, txt, etc.).
What I've done in this project:
- User Registration, Login, Logout with API
- User can upload Files only in approved format and in given size. Uploader name also will record in the database.
- User upload with metadata 'Title', 'Description', 'Format', "Uploader/Owner". He can share with other and can be download the file also.
- User Modify, Delete and Search their files.
- doc/docx will be convert to PDF (UNOCONV package).
How to run the project:
- To run the project first you have to install pipenv command.
- Then you have to install packages using pipenv shell.
- Then Migrate the database using command: # python maange.py migrate
- After the migration, run the server in your localhost using command python maange.py runserver
Postman: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/28624290/2s946icBDh