Scripts to facilitate migration of video files from Wistia to Brightcove Uses and enhances PHP wrapper for Wistia api
- Deploy to PHP server
- Enter Brightcove account info in $BCAccountConfig array in createFolders.php and WistiaToBrightcove.php. Brightcove api key must have all CMS and DI permissions.
- Enter Wistia api key into $wistiaAccountConfig array in createFolders.php and WistiaToBrightcove.php. Wistia api key must have "Read all project and video data" permissions.
- Run createFolders.php - this script takes all of the Projects in Wistia and creates a Folder with the same name in Brightcove.
- Run WistiaToBrightcove.php - this script creates a json file for each Project and one (ingest.json) that contains all videos.
- Use the json to bulk upload videos in batches of 100 using Brightcove apis