This package will allow developer integrate their flutter app with aba payway easily. This plugin use WebView for embeding web content checkout and url_launcher to open schema for both ios and android.
- ✓ Android Minimum SDK Version: 21
- ✓ IOS minimum target Version: 12
make sure PaywayTransactionService in initialized before use
void main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await dotenv.load(fileName: ".env"); PaywayTransactionService.ensureInitialized(ABAMerchant( merchantID: dotenv.get('ABA_PAYWAY_MERCHANT_ID'), merchantApiName: dotenv.get('ABA_PAYWAY_MERCHANT_NAME'), merchantApiKey: dotenv.get('ABA_PAYWAY_API_KEY'), baseApiUrl: dotenv.get('ABA_PAYWAY_API_URL'), refererDomain: "", )); runApp(MyApp()); }
you can use service in order to create, genenerate correct uri path for webview checkout, and check payway transaction
final service = PaywayTransactionService.instance!; final reqTime = service.uniqueReqTime(); final tranID = service.uniqueTranID(); var _transaction = PaywayCreateTransaction( amount: 6.00, items: [ PaywayTransactionItem( name: "ទំនិញ 1", price: 1, quantity: 1), PaywayTransactionItem( name: "ទំនិញ 2", price: 2, quantity: 1), PaywayTransactionItem( name: "ទំនិញ 3", price: 3, quantity: 1), ], reqTime: reqTime, tranId: tranID, email: '[email protected]', firstname: 'Miss', lastname: 'My Lekha', phone: '010464144', option: ABAPaymentOption.abapay_deeplink, shipping: 0.0, returnUrl: ""); var response = await service.createTransaction(transaction: _transaction); print(response.description);
final service = PaywayTransactionService.instance!; final reqTime = service.uniqueReqTime(); final tranId = "1676362341086747"; var _transaction = PaywayCheckTransaction(tranId: tranId, reqTime: reqTime); var response = await service.checkTransaction(transaction: _transaction); print(response.description);
String checkoutApiUrl = "http://localhost/api/v1/integrate/payway/checkout_page"; final service = PaywayTransactionService.instance!; final reqTime = service.uniqueReqTime(); final tranID = service.uniqueTranID(); var _transaction = PaywayCreateTransaction( amount: 6.00, items: [ PaywayTransactionItem( name: "ទំនិញ 1", price: 1, quantity: 1), PaywayTransactionItem( name: "ទំនិញ 2", price: 2, quantity: 1), PaywayTransactionItem( name: "ទំនិញ 3", price: 3, quantity: 1), ], reqTime: reqTime, tranId: tranID, email: '[email protected]', firstname: 'Miss', lastname: 'My Lekha', phone: '010464144', option: ABAPaymentOption.abapay, shipping: 0.00, returnUrl: ""); var uri = await service.generateTransactionCheckoutURI( transaction: _transaction, checkoutApiUrl: checkoutApiUrl, ); print("url ${uri}"); ```
- ✓ Credit/Debit Card (flutter_inappwebview)
- ✓ ABA Payway Mobile (url_launcher)
- ABAClientHelper: Handle http request for creating any transaction
- ABATransaction: to instantiate any transaction object
- ABAServerResponse: represent response object for every creating transaction process
- ABAMerchant: represent merchant object
- ABACheckoutContainer():A completed widget which allow user intergrate ABA Payment into their flutter app easily
onBeginCheckout(ABATransaction transaction)
: Triggered when user pressed checkout button.onFinishCheckout(ABATransaction transaction)
: Triggered when after user pressed checkout button and transaction is created successfully.onBeginCheckTransaction(ABATransaction transaction)
: Triggered when user completed transaction payment and current transaction will be started to check if it success or failed.onFinishCheckTransaction(ABATransaction transaction)
: Triggered when user completed transaction payment and current transaction checking event is finished.onCreatedTransaction(int value, String msg)
: Triggered when user completed transaction payment and current transaction checking event is finished.onPaymentSuccess(ABATransaction transaction)
: Triggered when payment transaction was completed successfully. User can route to another screen after successfully. By default navigated to ABACheckoutSuccess()onPaymentFail(ABATransaction transaction)
: Triggered when payment transaction was uncompleted. User can show any message.
amount: _total,
shipping: _shipping,
firstname: _firstname,
lastname: _lastname,
email: _email,
phone: _phone,
items: [ => e.toMap()).toList()],
checkoutApiUrl: _checkoutApiUrl,
merchant: _merchant,
onBeginCheckout: (transaction) {
setState(() => _isLoading = true); 'loading...');
onFinishCheckout: (transaction) {
setState(() => _isLoading = false);
onBeginCheckTransaction: (transaction) {
setState(() => _isLoading = true); 'loading...');
print("onBeginCheckTransaction ${transaction.toMap()}");
onFinishCheckTransaction: (transaction) {
setState(() => _isLoading = false);
print("onFinishCheckTransaction ${transaction.toMap()}");
enabled: !_isLoading,
// onPaymentFail: (transaction) {
// print("onPaymentFail ${transaction.toMap()}");
// },
// onPaymentSuccess: (transaction) {
// print("onPaymentSuccess ${transaction.toMap()}");
// },
- Completed Cart Screen: This file will demonstrate you how to intergrate your flutter app with payway mobile
- PHP: This file will tell you each step to config your php code on server side