C3 Impact Website
Investigate netlify plugin to control the build for content updates - not essential right now. We can live will all sites being deployed at the same time.
Tailwind presets for the different brands, base brand etc (this can be later)
refactor components out into package(s) to share between the sites - currently I have copied items. - Use slicemachine when it is available for gatsby.
- Slices can be refactored into 2 obvious parts: data querying and presentation
Tagging documents could get tricky example a document tagged with 2 domains. One domain wants this doc in the navbar, but the other doesn't - current tag names do not differenitate.
Filtering documents based on domain. This is not happening yet in code.
- Does C3 Impact need/want a email newsletter?
- The bigger question: What content would be in these newsletters or would it just be seasonal campaigns
- Initially there are 2/3 main audiences: professional providers, recievers and donators
- Will C3 Impact get it's own Instagram account
Finish desktop design... not sure what is missing but there is too much whitespace, may be ok for now, and see what happens with content?
bg image in text slice for desktop
- parameterise height - might this depend on the dimensions of the image?
- put items in tailwind?
- landscape images could be better
Redirects (not client side!)
colour classes done correctly - refactor these functions somehow.
prep training videos
- plan video topics
- write a script
- record videos
- sharepoint for hosting resources.
Finish Colour replacement from Breathe
Configure fonts (so brush not done, but I haven't used it in the design...)
Speak with Phil about vector graphics for the websites, these need to be subtle