Release 0.0.2
Fake Data Generator is a simple Ruby application that generates fake data for various types such as names, emails, phone numbers, and more. It uses the Faker gem to create realistic-looking data for testing or other purposes.
Generate fake data for different types:
(paragraph), -
(word), -
(email), -
(name), -
(phone_number), -
(valid), -
(cpf), -
(cnpj) -
will have more soon
Copy generated data to the clipboard for easy use.
Ensure you have Ruby installed on your system.
- Setup and create an alias automated
url="[email protected]:thealexcesar/fake-data-generator.git" git clone $url repo_name=$(echo "$url" | awk -F/ '{print substr($NF, 1, length($NF)-4)}') cd $repo_name zsh
fake <type> [quantity optional(default 1)]
docker pull thealexcesar/fake-data-generator:0.0.2
docker run -it thealexcesar/fake-data-generator:0.0.2 ruby src/app.rb <type> [quantity optional(default 1)]
or clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:thealexcesar/fake-data-generator.git && cd fake-data-generator
docker build -t fake .
docker run -it fake ruby src/app.rb <type> [quantity optional(default 1)]
# Ex: docker run -it fake ruby src/app.rb n
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone [email protected]:thealexcesar/fake-data-generator.git && cd fake-data-generator
Install the required gems:
gem install faker clipboard
Start generating fake data:
ruby src/app.rb <type> [quantity optional(default 1)]
With Alias:
fake p 3
Without Alias:
ruby src/app.rb p 3 # In project path.
fake p 3 ruby src/app.rb p 3 # => +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # => | Dolor et autem. Omnis amet consequatur. Fugiat rerum necessitatibus. | # => | Voluptate ab velit. Sunt quas laborum. Aspernatur illo sint. | # => | Dolorem qui odit. Ab ut eveniet. Maxime aut et. | # => +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # => 3 items of fake data have been generated
Feel free to contribute! Open issues, submit pull requests, or suggest improvements. While we are working on providing detailed guidelines for contributors.
We welcome contributions from the community. If you're interested in contributing, please follow these general steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and ensure tests pass.
- Submit a pull request.
- Faker
- clipboard