Twilio.Video.Maui is a .NET MAUI library used to build in-app video calling solutions using Twilio Video service.
using The49.Twilio.Video.Maui;
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
// Initialise the plugin
// the rest of your logic...
In order to make use of the plugin within XAML you can use this namespace:
Setup your project as you would an Android or iOS project according to the Twilio Video SDK. You can follow this guide for the Overview.
The Android guide is a great starting point, all Java code has its C# equivalent through this package, listeners are replaced with events for convenience.
When displaying a remote of local video track, you can use the
We'll walk through how to setup a one to one chat app using this package.
In any page you want the video chat, create your layout. For example here we'll put the remote video fullscreen and have the local video in the corner.
<twilio:TwilioVideoView x:Name="remoteVideoView" Margin="0,-50" />
<Border Stroke="Transparent"
StrokeShape="RoundRectangle 20"
<Grid HeightRequest="200"
<twilio:TwilioVideoView x:Name="localVideoView" />
In the code behind we'll follow the Twilio documentation to connect to a room:
public partial class VideoChatPage : ContentPage
Room _room;
LocalVideoTrack _localVideoTrack;
LocalAudioTrack _localAudioTrack;
public string RoomName { get; set; }
public VideoChatPage()
protected async override void OnAppearing()
// Fetch the token from our backend (see
using var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{DeviceInfo.Name}");
var token = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Ask for the Microphone + video permission
var status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.Microphone>();
if (status is not PermissionStatus.Granted)
status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.Camera>();
if (status is not PermissionStatus.Granted)
// Create the local audio track
_localAudioTrack = LocalAudioTrack.Create(true);
// Capture the video from the camera. We pick the front facing camera for now
var cameraCapturer = CameraCapturer.Create(CameraPosition.Front);
// Create the local video track from the camera capturer
_localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack.Create(true, cameraCapturer);
// Display the local video in the video view
// Configure the connection options. Pass the token and the tracks we want to send to remote participants
var options = new ConnectOptions.Builder(token)
.VideoTracks(new List<LocalVideoTrack> { _localVideoTrack })
.AudioTracks(new List<LocalAudioTrack> { _localAudioTrack })
_room = TwilioVideoService.Default.Connect(options);
// Listen to the room events
_room.ConnectFailure += OnRoomConnectFailure;
_room.Connected += OnRoomConnected;
_room.ParticipantConnected += OnParticipantConnected;
protected override void OnDisappearing()
void OnRoomConnectFailure(object sender, TwilioException e)
DisplayAlert("Connection error", e.ToString(), "Ok");
void OnParticipantConnected(object sender, RemoteParticipant participant)
// Someone joined the room, listen to their video track subscriptions
participant.VideoTrackSubscribed += OnParticipantVideoTrackSubscribed;
void OnRoomConnected(object sender, EventArgs e)
// We just connected to a room, check if there are anyone there already
var room = sender as Room;
foreach (var participant in room.RemoteParticipants)
var remoteTrack = participant.RemoteVideoTracks.FirstOrDefault();
// THe participant has a video, display it
if (remoteTrack is not null && remoteTrack.RemoteVideoTrack is not null)
// Otherwise listen to the video subscription event
participant.VideoTrackSubscribed += OnParticipantVideoTrackSubscribed;
void OnParticipantVideoTrackSubscribed(object sender, RemoteParticipant.VideoTrackSubscriptionEventArgs e)
The local video tracks and local audio tracks have a IsEnabled bool property:
localVideoTrack.IsEnabled = true; // Show video.
localVideoTrack.IsEnabled = false; // Hide video.
localAudioTrack.IsEnabled = false; // Mute.
localAudioTrack.IsEnabled = true; // Unmute.
After connecting to the room, use the Connected event
// Connect to the room with local video and audio tracks.
room = TwilioVideoService.Default.Connect( options );
room.Connected += OnRoomConnected;
void OnRoomConnected( object sender, EventArgs e )
// Sender is the room.
var theRoom = sender as Room;
// This holds the participants already connected
var remoteParticipants = theRoom.RemoteParticipants;
This package is a prerelease. Some issues are still left to tackle. The known issues are:
- On Android, the TwilioVideoView is not clipped according to its parents
- On Android, some events are missing
- DataTracks were not tested