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thautwarm edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the flowpython wiki!
Here are some tutorials about Flowpython.


  • where

    >> where = 1
    >> where += where where:
         where += 1
    >> where
    >> 3
     from math import pi
     r = 1  # the radius
     h = 10 # the height
     S = (2*S_top + S_side) where:
        S_top  = pi*r**2
        S_side = C * h where:
            C = 2*pi*r
  • lambda

    • format
       lambda x: f(x)
       .x -> f(x)
       as-with x def f(x)
    • curry
       .x -> .y -> ret where:
           ret = f(x,y)
       as-with x def as y def ret where:
           ret = f(x,y)
  • pattern-matching

    the default mode is [==].

      condic[] list(range(0,100)):
        case (a,*b,c) =>
               assert a==0 and b == list(range(1,99)) and c == 99 
      condic 1:
        case 0 => assert 1 > 0
      condic 1:
        [is not]
        case 1 => assert 1 is not 1
        case 1 => assert 1 == 1
        otherwise => True
      condic 1:
        case int => assert type(1) == int
      condic 1:
        case 1   => 
               assert x+3 ==  1 where:
        case 4   =>
               assert x+3 ==  4 where:
      tomap = as-with f def as var def ret where:
            ret = list(map(f,var))
      condic[] [1,2,3]:
         case (*a,b):(int,int,int) =>
                assert [*a,b] == x and tomap(type)(x) == [int,int,int] where:
                    x = [1,2,3]
         case (*a,b)-> a:list      =>
      condic +[in] 1:
         case a:{1,2,3} => 
                assert x in y where:
                    x = 1
                    y = {1,2,3}
       condic +[>] (10,20):
         case (a,b):(5,10) =>
                 assert (a,b) > (5,10)
  • arrow transform

      >> 1 -> _
      >> 1
      >> 1 -> _+2
      >> 2
      >> range(200) -> map(.x->x+1, _) -> list(_)
      >> [2,3,4,5,6,7,...
  • matching filter

    condic +(type) [1,3,5]:
       case (*a,b)->a:list => print("type(a) == list")
       otherwise           => raise False, "excuse me??"
  • Branches

    environ = dict(c = 'd', d = 'e')
    otherwise = True
    x = r where:
      | environ['c'] ==  'c'  => r = 1
      | environ['d'] ==  'd'  => r = 2
      | otherwise             => r = 3
    x ->> print # See pipeline grammar in next section. 
    >> 3
  • Pipeline

    1 ->> add1 => mul3 => div4 where:
         add1 = . x -> x+1
         mul3 = . x -> x*3
         div4 = . x -> x/4
    >> 1.5
    range(100) ->> flow_map(.x->%2) => flow_filter(.x->x) => len
    # [1..100] -> [0,1,0,1..] -> [1,1,1,1..] -> 50 
    >> 50

To Be Continued

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