The VAEs_and_GANs.ipynb file is divided in two parts (reproduced in as GitHub cannot open very large ipynb file).
- The first part consists in a variational autoencoder used in the MINST dataset. In adition to the implementation, the following is shown or discussed
Reconstruction samples and a few generated samples are shown
How does the loss function relate to the VAE prior, the output data domain, and disentanglement in the latent space
Behaviour of the log-likelihood loss and the KL loss by observing their graphs
Posterior collapse
Role of the KL loss term and 𝛽 in the latent representation of the test set (visualized using T-SNE)
Interpolation in the latent space is shown
- The second part consists of a Deep Convolutional GAN implementation in the CIFAR-10 dataset. Some important features of the implementation are:
Batch normalisation
ReLU activation in the generator, and Leaky ReLU activation in the discriminator
Data augmentation - RandomCrop and RandomHorizontalFlip
- The following topics are discussed in the second part:
Generator and discriminator's loss curves
Mode collapse
This repository also contains the final trained models for the VAE, the GAN generator, and the GAN discriminator