Tianfu Wu , Yang Lu and Song-Chun Zhu, Online Object Tracking, Learning and Parsing with And-Or Graphs, under review for TPAMI (arXiv 1509.08067, a short version appeared in CVPR14).
Written by Matt Tianfu Wu ([email protected])
We tested our tracker on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Other OS will be supported later on.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost1.55-all-dev libopencv-dev libeigen3-dev libfftw3-dev mpich2
It is needed for integrating AOGTracker4VOT into vot-toolkit. Please follow https://github.com/votchallenge/trax.git.
TB100/50 is available at http://cvlab.hanyang.ac.kr/tracker_benchmark/. Please download all the data to PATH_TO_YOUR_DATA (e.g. /home/matt/Data/TB100/). Please also download "TB100-occ" (provided by the authors of TB-100) for running TRE.
VOT datasets are vailable at http://www.votchallenge.net/. vot-toolkit will download the data automatically.
change setting in the downloaded configuratin file, tracker_config_release.xml (e.g., specify your data directory, etc)
./entry Tracking ./tracker_config_release.xml
If you have mulitple workstations available, please follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MpichCluster to set up the cluster.
change setting in the downloaded configuratin file, tracker_config_release.xml (e.g., specify your data directory, etc)
/usr/bin/mpiexec.mpich -f machine ./entryMPI Tracking ./tracker_config_release.xml
Note: "machine" is a txt file specifying the cluster machines, and the executable and data directory should be shared among all cluster machines.
Run ./evaluation/AOGTracker_TB100_GenPerfMat.m first and then ./evaluation/my_TB100_performance_comp.m to generate the plots.
a) Follow the vot-toolkit tutorial to set up the testing environment using matlab.
b) Modify the configuration.m file by adding to the end: set_global_variable('trax_timeout', 10*60);
c) Modify the tracker_AOGTracker.m, e.g.,
tracker_label = ['AOGTracker'];
for VOT2013, VOT2014 and VOT2015 tracker_command = 'your_path_to/AOGTracker4VOT your_path_to/vot_config_release.xml'; % change your_path_to
for VOT-TIR2015 tracker_command = 'your_path_to/AOGTracker4VOT your_path_to/vottir_config_release.xml'; % change your_path_to