This is a full-stack application implemented with TypeScript that demostrates how to handle data in a relational database with ORM and howto store hierarchical data in NgRx Store and manage with NgRx Data. Repo contains two projects:
- mikroorm-demo-server (backend)
- angular-orm-demo (frontend)
- PostgreSQL
- NestJS
- MikroORM
- Angular
- Bootstrap
- ngx-bootstrap
- ngrx (Entity, Data)
- Data managent with ORM (mikro-orm)
- JWT based authentication (passport)
- Logging (winston)
- Generics for CRUD Entity Repository
- Generics for CRUD Entity Service
- Generics for CRUD REST controllers
- Centralized error handling + sending custom error status messages about general database (unique, constrain, ...) errors
- Reactive Forms with validation
- Modal data editor dialogs
- Auto-focus on forms
- Data storage of hierarchical data with NgRx Data
- Generics (service, components) for CRUD operations
- Drag-and-drop operations
- Modal confirm dialogs
Data persisted in relational database (PostgreSQL) in normalized format. It's a good approach to do the same in NgRx Store. Store hierarchical data in normalized form. The basic concepts of normalizing data are:
- Each type of data gets its own "table" in the state.
- Each "data table" should store the individual items in an object, with the IDs of the items as keys and the items themselves as the values.
- Any references to individual items should be done by storing the item's ID.
- Arrays of IDs should be used to indicate ordering.
If you need normalized data in hierarchical form you can read and convert it with NgRx selectors.
Installed PostreSQL server.
cd mikroorm-demo-server
npm install
cd angular-orm-demo
npm install
Create database:
createdb -U postgres mynestjsormdemo
Set database credentials in .env, for example:
Create database schema:
cd mikroorm-demo-server
npm run createdbschema
cd mikroorm-demo-server
npm run start
cd angular-orm-demo
npm run start
Call frontend: http://localhost:4201
You can test manually the backend with Postman. Import this workspace for testing.