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Backend for all CPC related apps, written in Python.


  • Poetry
  • Python3.10
  • Doppler CLI
    • Access to our secrets too
  • Docker (if you want to run it in a container)
  • Redis (for CRON jobs)

For macOS devs:

brew install poetry
brew install [email protected]
brew install doppler
brew install libpq # install only the postgresql libs not fully (if you want to use docker)

## This might be different.
sudo ln -s $(brew --prefix)/opt/libpq/bin/psql /usr/local/bin/psql

For Others:

Figure it out yourself, or ask for help.

Docker Compose

# Start the DB and Redis :)
docker-compose up postgres redis -d

Install requirements

poetry install --with dev

Recommendations when working with this repository

  1. Run with doppler (many environment variables are required)
  2. Run locally
  3. Run infra with docker-compose
  4. Test manually with your own telegram bot

How to run the django app locally

poetry run python runserver

How to run the django app locally with doppler

doppler run -- poetry run python runserver

How to run the celery worker

# for some reason on macOS: 
#   you need to run this command with the --pool=solo
# on production it runs without it
doppler run -- poetry run celery -A cpc worker --loglevel=info --pool=solo

How to run the telegram bot?

doppler run -- poetry run python run_telegram_bot

With Docker Compose

BEWARE: Requires a doppler token, get it from doppler.

docker-compose up app

How to test

Currently using unittest to write tests, nothing fancy just to fix bugs that appears from time to time.

doppler run -- poetry run python test

How to deploy

Should be done automatically by github actions.
