Written in Python, supports the following features: - Three interfaces: LedScreen (local access), RemoteLedScreen (networked /
remote) and VirtualLedScreen, for local prototyping without the wall.
- Features a nice and simple API, the network protocol is also very simple.
- Some nice animations
- Tools to display images, with sub-pixel rendering
- Automatic gamma correction
- High FPS possible (>100fps)
- Some documentation is in place
- Implement some kind of game api
- Possibly speed up the code a bit with numpy
- Wrote more documentation
- Write a frontend that makes it easy to set up the ledwall
Future ideas: - Music visualisation on the LEDs. - Middleware for more noob friendly API. (Pushing XML, JSON, etc) - Networking (WebSockets, etc)
Future future: - Maemo 5 application? - Web interface for switching animations (probably using websockets to
communicate to middleware)
- Web interface to actually control leds as well (websockets, perhaps something nice interactive can be done using canvas as well)