The basic premise of this program is to allow users to narrow down a large list of cocktail recipes based on the ingredients which they want the recipes to contain. The program lets users enter one or more ingredients--say, "Bourbon" and "lime juice"--and then spits out the number of recipes which call for both of these ingredients. The user may then view the list of all such matching recipes--just one in the case of Bourbon and lime juice: the "New Yorker"--and may then open the full recipe right there in the terminal.
Tools/techniques used in this project:
- C++; used for the program's source files
- .csv; data used to store data about ingredients and recipes
- Make/Makefile; used to allow users to easily build/run the program from a command line
Simply download and unzip the file and run "make" in the main directory of the project (the one that contains the makefile).