Overview: Users can create an account choose a pokemon from a preselected list or take their chances with a random pokemon, where they will go head to head with the CPU.
- User Authentication
- Sign up, login, and logout using Firebase Authentication.
- Dashboard
- Displays user stats: wins and losses.
- Pokémon Selection
- Choose a Pokémon from a predefined list. (Homework 2)
- Option to Choose Random Pokémon using PokéAPI.
- Battle Simulator
- API Integration
- Fetch Pokémon details (name, stats, moves, and sprites) using PokéAPI.Fallback to default Pokémon if the API is unavailable.
- Tracks battle outcomes and updates wins and losses in Firebase Firestore.
- Replay Button
Make sure you have Node.js installed
- Navigate to the directory where you want to clone/run/save the application:
cd example_directory
- Navigate to Project Directory:
cd Pokemon
- Navigate to Frontend Directory:
npm install
- Navigate to Backend Directory:
npm install
- Run Project:
NOTE: To run project make sure you are in root project folder /Pokemon
npm start