Install it:
pip install flask-appbuilder git clone
Run it:
$ export FLASK_APP=app # Create an admin user $ flask fab create-admin # Run dev server $ flask run
Migrate DB Models:
# Alembic을 처음 실행 $ flask db init # db migration code 생성 $ flask db migrate # db migration code 실행 $ flask db upgrade
Favicon Setting:
# favicon 파일 저장 app/static/ 에 favicon.ico 파일 저장 # flask_appbuilder 원본 수정 대상파일 : flask_appbuilder/templates/appbuilder/init.html head tag 안에 code 추가 : <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico') }}">
How to run docker with this image:
# docker run -d \ --name=moretube-app \ -e DATABASE_URI='postgresql://more:[email protected]:5432/more' \ -e REDIS_URI='redis://' \ -p 80:5000 \ -v /home/ubuntu/moretube/static:/static \ tanminkwan/moretube 또는 # docker run -d \ --name=moretube-app \ --network=host \ -e DATABASE_URI='postgresql://tiffanie:1q2w3e4r!!@localhost/moretube' \ -v /home/ubuntu/static:/static \ tanminkwan/moretube
That's it!!