This is an automatic audio-to-audio karaoke generation system. It converts an ordinary music signal into a karaoke (vocal-off) in real time. it can also convert the key of the song.
For technical details, see the literatures below, especially the latest one (Tachibana 2016).
author = {H. Tachibana and Y. Mizuno and N. Ono and S. Sagayama},
title = {A Real-time Audio-to-audio Karaoke Generation System for Monaural Recordings
Based on Singing Voice Suppression and Key Conversion Techniques},
journal = {Journal of Information Processing},
publisher = {Information Processing Society of Japan},
volume = 24,
number = 3,
pages = 470–-482,
month = May,
year = 2016,
doi = {10.2197/ipsjjip.24.470}
author = {H. Tachibana},
title = {Music signal processing exploiting spectral fluctuation of singing voice
using harmonic/percussive sound separation},
school = {The University of Tokyo},
month = Mar.,
year = 2014
author = {H. Tachibana and Y. Mizuno and N. Ono and S. Sagayama},
title = {Euterpe: A Real-time Automatic Karaoke Generation System
based on Singing Voice Suppression and Pitch Conversion},
booktitle = "Proc. ASJ autumn meeting",
month = Sep.,
year = 2012,
note = "Non-refereed, in Japanese"
- Hardware: Audio I/O is required. (PC with microphones and speakers)
- OS: Linux and Mac OS X
- The system has been originally developed on Linux Mint.
- It would be also easy to build the system on other Debian-based distributions including Ubuntu.
- It may also be possible to build the system on other kind of distributions e.g. Fedora, but I have not verified it yet.
- I have successfully built the codes on Mac OS X (Yosemite) using
You need to install following softwares first.
PortAudio (libportaudio-dev)
fftw3 (libfftw3-dev)
Just run the makefile
in src
cd src
cd -
Buy a 3.5mm-3.5mm audio cable.
Make your audio player (such as iPod) ready.
Connect one end of the cable to your audio player's output jack (3.5mm earphone jack), and the oppisite end to your PC's audio input jack.
Run the system by the command below.
- Other codes used in the papers above
- (In the emperical evaluations in the paper above, the codes in this repository were used.)
- Related codes
- (An older implementation of HPSS)
The name "Euterpe" is based on the Sagayama Lab's practice of adopting project names from Greek myth. If you enjoyed Euterpe, please check out the lab's other projects.
- Eurydice (Automatic Accompaniment System)
- Orpheus (Automatic Composition from Japanese Lyrics)
- Melete (an Orpheus clone)