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This project is no longer fully maintained

I'm (@ncw) doing light maintenance on megacmd, but mainly on the underlying go-mega library which I'm using to provide a mega backend for rclone.

A command-line client for storage service This utility is written on top of go-mega

Build Status

Blog post about mega protocol,

What is megacmd ?

Mega ( is an excellent free storage service which provides 50 GB of free storage space. It has a web based user interface to upload and download files. Megacmd is a command-line tool for performing file and directory transfer between local directories and mega service. Features of megacmd are much similar to s3cmd utility, which is used to perform file transfer to Amazon S3.


  • Ability to access files and folders using a path URI
  • Configuration file (~/.megacmd.json)
  • Individual file put and get operations
  • List operation with recursive mode (shows filesize and timestamp)
  • Delete operation on directories and files (soft-delete to trash and hard delete)
  • Move operation to rename and move files or directories
  • Mkdir operation to create directories recursively (Similar to mkdir -p)
  • Sync operation to copy directories recursively between local directory and mega service in both directions
  • Configurable parallel split connections for download and upload to improve transfer speed
  • Download and upload progress bar


Usage ./megacmd:
    megacmd [OPTIONS] list mega:/foo/bar/
    megacmd [OPTIONS] get mega:/foo/file.txt /tmp/
    megacmd [OPTIONS] put /tmp/hello.txt mega:/bar/
    megacmd [OPTIONS] delete mega:/foo/bar
    megacmd [OPTIONS] mkdir mega:/foo/bar
    megacmd [OPTIONS] move mega:/foo/file.txt mega:/bar/foo.txt
    megacmd [OPTIONS] sync mega:/foo/ /tmp/foo/
    megacmd [OPTIONS] sync /tmp/foo mega:/foo

  -conf="/Users/slakshman/.megacmd.json": Config file path
  -force=false: Force hard delete or overwrite
  -help=false: Help
  -ignore-same-size=false: Consider files with same size and path suffix as same
  -recursive=false: Recursive listing
  -verbose=1: Verbose
  -version=false: Version

How to obtain megacmd ?

Compile from source

$ make
$ cp megacmd /usr/local/bin


The latest binaries can be found on the releases page.

How to run megacmd?

Configuration file setup

megacmd uses a json config file to read default settings (~/.megacmd.json). Some of the settings are available as command-line options as well. Command-line options can be used to turn on options which are already off specified in the default settings passed through config file.

Create a file ~/.megacmd.json with the following json:

    "User" : "MEGA_USERNAME",
    "Password" : "MEGA_PASSWORD",
    "DownloadWorkers" : 4,
    "UploadWorkers" : 4,
    "SkipSameSize" : true,
    "Verbose" : 1

DownloadWorkers and UploadWorkers specifies how many parallel connections should be used by megacmd. You can improve your download/upload by increasing number of connections :)

You can add extra parameters as follows to make the default behavior as follows: "Force" : true "Recursive" : true

Once you have setup the config file, you are ready to execute megacmd commands.


To list directory contents, use:

$ megacmd list mega:/foo/bar/

The directory path should end with a suffix '/' to list its contents. Otherwise, it will show metadata for that particular directory or file.

To list trash, use trash:/ root prefix instead of mega:/

To recursively list a directory use, -recursive option.

$ megacmd -recursive list mega:/foo/bar/

To delete file or directory to trash use, regular delete option as follows:

$ megacmd delete mega:/foo/bar/file

To delete a file or folder permanently without moving to trash, use -force option:

$ megacmd -force delete mega:/foo/folder

If you use sync command, it will try to copy files to the destination if corresponding files are not present at the destination. It will not overwrite any files if present. It exits by displaying an error message. We can provide -force option with sync command to continue by overwriting files.


$ megacmd list mega:/
mega:/gomega-084959515                             314573     2013-06-09T00:23:18+05:30
mega:/newname.txt                                  31         2013-06-09T00:23:25+05:30
mega:/dir-1-8cO26/                                 0          2013-06-09T00:23:34+05:30
mega:/testing/                                     0          2013-06-09T15:14:46+05:30

$ megacmd put megacmd mega:/testing/
Copying megacmd -> mega:/testing/ # 100.00 % of 5.6MB at 127K/s 43s 
Successfully uploaded file megacmd to mega:/testing/ in 44s

$ megacmd -recursive list mega:/testing/ 
mega:/testing/x.1                                  51200      2013-06-09T16:03:40+05:30
mega:/testing/x.2                                  102400     2013-06-09T16:03:48+05:30
mega:/testing/x.3                                  512000     2013-06-09T16:04:01+05:30
mega:/testing/x.4                                  1024000    2013-06-09T16:04:40+05:30
mega:/testing/megacmd                              5553076    2013-06-09T16:18:32+05:30

$ megacmd -force get mega:/testing/megacmd /tmp/
Copying mega:/testing/megacmd -> /tmp/megacmd # 100.00 % of 5.6MB at 214K/s 25s 
Successfully downloaded file mega:/testing/megacmd to /tmp/ in 25s

$ megacmd move mega:/testing/megacmd mega:/renamedfile
Successfully moved mega:/testing/megacmd to mega:/renamedfile

$ megacmd mkdir mega:/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4
Successfully created directory at mega:/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4

$ megacmd sync mega:/testing /tmp/dir1/
Found 4 file(s) to be copied
Copying mega:/testing/x.1 -> /tmp/dir1/x.1 # 100.00 % of 51KB at 1.7K/s 29s 
Copying mega:/testing/x.2 -> /tmp/dir1/x.2 # 100.00 % of 102KB at 9.2K/s 11s 
Copying mega:/testing/x.3 -> /tmp/dir1/x.3 # 100.00 % of 512KB at 7.7K/s 1m6s 
Copying mega:/testing/x.4 -> /tmp/dir1/x.4 # 100.00 % of 1.0MB at 228K/s 4s 
Successfully sync mega:/testing to /tmp/dir1/ in 1m51s

$ megacmd delete mega:/testing/x.1
Successfully deleted  mega:/testing/x.1

Client package

The megaclient is available as a go package, Please find the documentation at megaclient godoc

Unit tests

To execute unit tests, configure a mega account and execute make test as follows:

$ export [email protected]
$ export MEGA_PASSWD=passwd
$ make test


  • Sync deletes
  • Access and manage shared content
  • What next ?

How to Contribute ?

I am looking for developers interested to contribute to this project. There are a bunch of work left to be done in megacmd. Please contact me if you are interested.
