Repo contains sample project with module for Kafka topic management, along with role and test playbook.
Implemented features:
- create topic,
- list topics,
- delete topic,
- set specific amount of partitions on specific topic,
- set retention on specific topic.
Module assumes some reasonable defaults for testing:
- on the $PATH, can be overriden by setting cmd_path parameter
- by default try to connect to local kafka server on localhost:9092, can be overriden by setting parameter bootstrap_server
For detailed instructions and examples look at library\
When applying remember commands need to be executed only on one Kafka GW host per cluster
Playbook can be executed with: ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbook.yaml
tests can be run: ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml test-playbook.yaml
Possible improvements:
- switch from to API calls for better interoperatibility
- add authentication
- add better testing coverage
Attached playbook assume inventory contains some vars set for host, sample inventory file:
nodes: hosts: kafkagw: vars: cmd_path: /home/user/kafka_2.13-3.2.1/bin/
Project tested on:
- Kafka 2.8.1
- Ansible [core 2.13.5]
- Python 3.10.6