*I belive the most of these files are personal ways of making the system customized. You can check out and find insperation if you want.
autostart is for dwm top bar - not used for a while.
kitty.conf is for kitty terminal - not used for a while.
been using bash, but fish is nice.
I'd argue that my bash takes some bash defaults and fixes them.
updated tmux and migrated vim conf over to neovim.
rc.conf is for ranger.
style.css for waybar (sway-wm)
theme.lua and rc.lua for AwesomeWM.
Been testing hyperland a little.
two different sway configs for laptop/desktop.
parfd script that fuzzy finds on aur.
sp spotify control via dbus.
moved configurations into directory's. Terminals
Arch, Gentoo, nixos config files.
Now on bazzite and a duble catchyos setup.
Most files should be self explanatory or short.
Configuration files over 2-300 lines is kinda excessive.