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Alden Hart edited this page May 24, 2015 · 11 revisions

This page contains some common errors and what to d about them

Test Won't Start

Errs out immediately with something like:

ShopMac:tinyg-testing-framework home$ jasmine

Test parameters:
  Sun May 24 2015 15:44:53 GMT-0400 (EDT)

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TinyGError:: SerialPort Error: [Error: Cannot open /dev/cu.usbmodemfa12241]
ShopMac:tinyg-testing-framework home$ 

Do in this order until it works:

  1. disconnect from any other program that has grabbed the USB port
  2. physically disconnect and reconnect the USB port
  3. reset the TinyG
  4. reboot your system

###Tests Time Out The tester is probably not getting a command to the board or not getting a response from the board. Do in this order until it works:

  1. check your cables and power supplies
  2. get rid of any USB hubs in the path to the TinyG that you can
  3. try running the test again
  4. physically disconnect and reconnect the USB port
  5. reset the TinyG
  6. reboot your system

###Mac Kernel Panics (reboots) This has happened on v8 but rarely on v9. We blame the FTDI USB driver that can get unhappy sometimes.

Steps to recover: Reboot your system. Oh, wait, it did this for you.

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