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Daniel Saakes edited this page Aug 3, 2014 · 2 revisions

If you are having issues with tgFX this page should help you get moving!

Cannot connect to serial port - OSX

In RXTX (the serial port library that tgFX uses) there is a bug when first installing on OSX. You need to preform a minor bug fix for the RXTX library.
You can read about the fix if you like. Briefly, what it does is create a directory to create lock files for the serial port. These commands require root privileges. so sudo is required. Note, you only need to do this once!
Open a console (terminal) and type in these 2 commands:

sudo mkdir /var/lock
sudo chmod a+rw /var/lock

After preforming this fix, you should be able to connect to your serial port. If not reboot and try again.

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