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A search engine dedicated to CS conferences. It provides useful filters for conferences and year range.


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Search engine for computer science papers.

Indexes title and abstract. Paper contents and authors are not indexed.

Indexed from 2018 - 2024 (partial).

How to add new conferences/papers

Add an abstract in ./data/<year>/<venue>/<papertitle>.
If the venue is new, add the venue in ./src/conferences.js.

PR is welcome.

How to run local

Install dependencies

npm install

# For serving data directory.
sudo npm install http-server -g

Build and run

# generate index db. takes up to 10mins.
go run ./ -config default.index.config -debug
# run index server
go run ./ -config default.server.config -debug
# serve data directory
cd data
http-server -p 3001 --cors
# run web
npm run start


docker build -t server .
docker run -it server
npm run start

try: http://localhost:8000/?query=bluetooth&yearFrom=2019&yearTo=2025&venue=NDSS%2CUsenix%2CSP%2CCCS&orderBy=score&ascending=false&skip=0&take=20


Curl works:

$ curl ''
[1]+  Done                    curl
{"total":10,"skip":0,"take":0,"data":[{"title":"BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses","year":2023,"venue":"ccs","index":"2023/ccs/BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and 

Request fields

All fields are required.

Field Type Description
query String find relative documents
yearFrom Int must be satisfied. inclusive.
yearTo Int must be satisfied. inclusive.
venue String, String, ... find papers in (venue A or venue B or ...)
orderBy ENUM("score", "date") order by relevance or published date
ascending Boolean return in an ascending order if true
skip Int skip first # results. For pagination

For venues, see

var validVenue = []string{"AAAI", "IJCAI", "CVPR", "ICLR", "ICML", "NeurIPS", "ACL", "EMNLP", "NAACL", "SIGIR", "WWW", "ASPLOS", "SIGCOMM", "NSDI", "NDSS", "Usenix", "SP", "CCS", "SIGMOD", "VLDB", "DAC", "ICCAD", "HPDC", "ICS", "SC", "IMC", "SIGMETRICS", "EMSOFT", "RTAS", "RTSS", "MobiCom", "MobiSys", "SenSys", "OSDI", "SOSP", "ATC", "EuroSYS", "FSE", "ICSE", "ASE", "ISSTA", "PACMPL", "PLDI", "FOCS", "SODA", "STOC", "CRYPTO", "EuroCrypt", "LICS", "SIGCSE", "EC", "WINE", "CHI", "UbiComp", "UIST", "ICRA", "IROS", "RSS", "ISCA", "MICRO", "HPCA", "ICCV", "ECCV"}

Response fields

Field Type Description
total Int total number of index matched
duration Int time spent on searching in msec
skip Int Skipped # results. For pagination
data [SearchResult] See below

SearchResult Fields:

Field Type Description
title Int paper title
year Int published year
venue String published venue
index String pointer to an abstract
score Float query-relevance score

Data source and correctness

There are two data sources:

The crawler sometimes misses paper from the first source if semantic scholar returns nothing (see ./data_crawler/failed.json). So, some papers are not indexed and never show up in the results. We can manually add this.

For the second source, the crawler sometimes confuses paper talk and keynote talk (and others). So, search results sometimes contain not papers (see 3b6c738). The Google scholar button can help to verify this.

Also, semantic scholar somtimes shows different for web and api calls as shown below.

$ curl,abstract
{'paperId': 'b0db907d372e2776a0c9e963a291e100033534a7', 'title': 'A correlation study between automated program repair and test-suite metrics', 'abstract': None}

However, has an abstract ("Automated program repair is increas...")

Most ICSE 2018 papers have this issue.

Further, a crawler somtimes confuses posters and full papers. So, search results can contain posters.

Reporting the wrong index is always welcome.

Why not Google Scholar

Poor conference filter:

google scholar



  • distinguish terms and stop tokens, e.g., 'Controller Area Network (CAN)' and 'can (be able to)',
  • Term aliasing (e.g., uaf = use-after-free)

PR is welcome


Referred to for organizing conferences.

Disclaimer is served as implemented as is in this repository. I do not modify source code or data in and after distributions.
The source code shows that does not collect user data, such as search history and IP address. However, Cloudflare and do this for pricing and security purposes.
I personally own stock (less than 10k) of Cloudflare, and I hope they will profit so I can be rich. This is why I bought a domain name from Cloudflare—that will add ~ $10 per year to net sales. uses because it is the cheapest server. It costs $3.19 per month with 1 core and 512MB RAM in the Virginia region. I am always willing to migrate to a cheaper one. Suggestions are welcome.
Each conference site provides origins of titles and abstracts of papers.