This is video streaming platform. Here the users can watch videos, like or dislike them, put comments on the video, and also can subscribe to channels. Also on hovering over the thumbnail, the video is played so that the user can decide to click on it to watch or not.
description This is video streaming platform. Here the users can watch videos, like or dislike them, put comments on the video, and also can subscribe to channels. Also on hovering over the thumbnail, the video is played so that the user can decide to click on it to watch or not.
stack MongoDB
is used for the database, Firebase
is used to store the video and image assests, Node.js
and Express.js
for the Backend and React.js
for the frontend. Pure CSS
is used to design the UI with a bit of Material UI
for the side drawers.
This Repo is the frontend part of DevTube Web App . Here is the Backend Repo.
├── public # Static files
├── src # Main Source Code
| ├── Components # Reusable components
| ├── Helper # API Calls & Firebase Config
| ├── CSS # CSS Stylesheets
| └── Pages # Pages in Routing
├── index.js # Main Entry Point
└── Routes.js # Routing files
In the project directory, you can run:
This will install all the dependencies mentioned in the package.json
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.