Create a dockerized HTCondor cluster based on CentOS 7. For a Debian based version, see DS-CNAF/HTCondor-docker-debian.
(OneClient is not implemented).
-m configure container as HTCondor master
-e master-address configure container as HTCondor executor for the given master
-s master-address configure container as HTCondor submitter for the given master
-c url-to-config config file reference from http url
-r url-to-public-key url to public key for ssh access to root
-k url-to-public-key url to public key for ssh access to unprivileged user (see -u attribute)
-p password user password (see -u attribute)
-u inject user inject a user without root privileges for submitting jobs accessing via ssh
(-k public key required -p password optional)
-S shared secret
The "shared secret" should be the same for all containers in the cluster... clearly.