WPPATM = Wordpress plugins and themes manager
Currently is one simple bash script. The hope is it may one day become something like
- Go to your Wordpress content folder, normally something like /var/www/wordpress/wp-content
- Put the install.sh file in that folder. You can do something like
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sunshineo/wppatm/master/install.sh
Or download the file however you want using the link above.
- Give the file permission to run. You can use something like
$ chmod +x install.sh
- Create a plugins.txt file like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sunshineo/wppatm/master/plugins.txt . List the plugins you want to install line by line.
- Create a themes.txt file like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sunshineo/wppatm/master/themes.txt . List the themes you want to install line by line.
- Run the script
$ ./install.sh