The very basic stack buffer overflow lab
Please find a bud in the chall.c file. Then, hack this lab on your own environment. Next, get a real flag ws://
. Finally, submit flag on
In heroku platform, we can deploy only web application. Thus, we deployed the PWN challenge using WebSocket protocol. Enjoy WebSocket below !
Connect to lab app with wscat instead. To install wscat, NPM is required.
$ npm install -g wscat
$ wscat -c ws://
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> hi there
< hi there
> are you a happy parrot?
< are you a happy parrot?
Connect to lab app with sock_websocket.WebSock instead.
$ pip install sock-websocket
$ cat
from pwn import *
from sock_websocket import WebSock
# s = process("chall")
# s = remote("", 1337)
s = WebSock("ws://")
s.sendline(b"Hello World !"))
$ python
Hello World !
Make sure you have Python 3.7 installed locally. To push to Heroku, you'll need to install the Heroku CLI.
$ git clone
$ cd stack-buf-overflow-101-lab
$ docker build -t stack-buf-overflow-101-lab .
$ docker run -d --rm -p 1337:1337 -e PORT=1337 -e FLAG=flag{ILoveU} stack-buf-overflow-101-lab
Your app should now be running on ws://localhost:1337
$ heroku create
$ heroku config:set FLAG=flag{ILoveU}
$ git push heroku main
$ heroku open