This project is a simple REST API built with Flask to manage a collection of supercars. It provides endpoints to add new products and retrieve a list of all products.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Python 3.7 or later
- pip (Python package installer)
- Clone the Repository
If you haven't already, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone <repository-url> cd <repository-folder>
Create a Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended) It's a good practice to use a virtual environment for Python projects. You can create one using the following commands: bash
python -m venv venv Activate the Virtual Environment On Windows: bash
venv\Scripts\activate On macOS/Linux: bash
source venv/bin/activate Install Required Packages Install the required packages using pip: bash
pip install all the requirements in therequirements text Running the API Server Run the following command to start the FastAPI server: "uvicorn app:app --reload" Access the API The API server will be running locally at You can access the endpoints using this URL "" Testing the API Endpoints Manual Testing with cURL You can test the API endpoints manually using cURL. Here are examples of how to interact with the API. Add a New Product Use the following command to add a new product: bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "Koenigsegg Jesko", "description": "A hypercar with extreme performance.", "price": 2800000}' Retrieve All Products Use the following command to retrieve the list of products: bash curl -X GET Testing with the Provided Python Script Run the Client Script The script is provided to interact with the API easily. To run it, make sure your Fast API SERVER is running, and then execute: bash
python Observe the Output The script will add two products and then retrieve and print the list of all products. You should see output confirming the successful addition of the products and a list of all products currently stored in the API. Conclusion You now have a fully functional REST API for managing supercars! Feel free to modify the code and add more functionality as needed. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out. javascript