- Many photos and videos on Windows PC that have varying datetimes set across: modified, created, dateTaken, and mediaCreated
- Want to have "on this day" media sent to users in the morning.
- Current on premise storage device that can share publicly sorts by modified and displays created. Also, it cannot show .heic files.
Set all the date fields to the same value, and then copy to the device for sharing
Loop thru all photos:
- if have a dateTaken then set created and modified to that value
- if no dateTaken then set created or modified both to the earliest date
- if photo is of type .HEIC, then create a JPG copy and set dates to same values as original
Loop thru all videos:
- if have a mediaCreated then set created and modified to that value
- if no dateTaken then set created or modified both to the earliest date