Authors: S.Wahlgren, J. Thomson, L. Biddle, S. Swart
This is a repository for the data analysis performed in Wahlgren, S., Thomson, J., Biddle, L. C., & Swart, S. (2023). Direct observations of wave-sea ice interactions in the Antarctic marginal ice zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
Frequency dependent attenuation of swell waves in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone is studied using in-situ data from two SWIFT wave buoys. The variation in swell wave direction with distance from the sea ice edge is also examined.
The workflow is divided into preprocessing of data and analysis. Preprocessed data is provided in this repository, so it is possible to jump right to the analysis part.
The conda environment which lists the dependencies for this code is provided here.
Notebooks and functions are provided in the src folder, together with unit tests for some of the functions. The unit tests can be run withpytest
SWIFT buoy data need to be converted to python-friendly format using read_swift in beforehand.
- Preprocessing of sea ice concentration - 01_preprocess_sea_ice_concentration.ipynb
- Finding the ice edge 02_defining_the_ice_edge.ipynb
- Co-location and data fusion 03_data_fusion.ipynb
The preprocessed data is found in the processed data folder.
- Data overview (Figure 4) 04_overview.ipynb
- Winter attenuation (Figure 5a) 05_wave_attenuation_winter.ipynb
- Spring attenuation (Figure 5b) 06_wave_attenuation_spring.ipynb
- Wave direction (Figure 7) 07_wave_direction_vs_distance.ipynb
The SWIFT buoy data is published here. In addition, AMSR sea ice concentration is used in the analysis.
The provided data should be cited as
Thomson, Jim, Biddle, Louise C, Wahlgren, Stina, & Swart, Sebastiaan. (2023). Direct observations of wave-sea ice interactions in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone [Data set]. Zenodo.
If you find the methods presented here useful, please consider citing the paper.