Built for the project Awino DB
Converts Single SQl Statements into Awino code
Awino DB
is targeted to be able to handle multiple databases using simple syntax
is targeted to be ISO/IEC 9075:2016
Compliant (For more info, check GRAMAR.MD
SQL statements follow a Two-step Process to achieve Awino code
- Parser
Where the statements are tokenized into single tokens per every coma, space or parenthesis
- Lexer
The tokens are converted into Singular Token-Types with primary and secondary value
To use the program please check USE.MD
Awino code follows the Following Format:
[Token Type]:[Primary Value]:[Secondary Value] It is produced by the Token Class
Token Types are Recognized SQL statements including some custom AwinoDB recognized syntax
This refers to all variable types including all non-sql syntax, numbers, text inside "'`, and all tuples Values are categorized into two
- Primary Values
- Secondary Values
Primary values are all varchar, strings and numbers
Everything inside a tuple Parentheseis