Simple simulation code to prepare for the WRAP Workshop March 23-25, 2020
- SimulateWorld_Function.R: this is the function that generates temperature dependent species distribution and abundance
- SimulateWorld_ROMS_Function.R: this function uses temperature data from ROMS to generate species distribution and abundance
- SimulateWorld_ROMS_TrophicInteraction_Function.R: this function uses temperature and chl-a to build suitability for two species, and generate distribution and abundance for one species.
- ModelComparison.R: this code uses the function above to generate data, then builds an example GAM and BRT model, and makes predictions into the future 2020-2080. Couples with functions 1 and 2 above.
- ModelComparison_TrophicInteractions.R: this code uses the ROMS_TophicInteraction function above to generate data, then builds an example GAM and BRT model, and makes predictions into the future 2020-2080. Couples with functions 3 above.
- Create_ROMS_Rasters.R: code to turn downscaled ROMS netcdf files into rasters. Most users do not need to use this code.