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This document includes a high-level summary of project goals, protocol, and implementation.


SteamLink is a low-power netwoking platform. The SteamLink vision is to give makers the ability to rapidly and easily deploy fully self-hosted, robust, and secure networks of low-powered devices. Potential applications include data-driven citizen science projects and automation systems.

Currently the SteamLink project plans to support LoRa and WiFi devices.

WARNING: SteamLink is in active development and the protocol is subject to change. The current codebase has limited security features implemented and some portions are untested. Use at your own risk.

Ecosystem Layout

                                        +-----------> | WiFi Node |
            +----------+                |             +-----------+
     +----> | Database |                |
     |      +----------+                |
     v                                  v
+---------------+              +-------- ---------+
|               |              |                  |
|               |              |                  |       +-------+-------+       +-----------+
|               |              |                  | <---> |  WiFi | LoRa  | <---> | LoRa Node |
|     Store     | <----------> |    MQTT Broker   |       +-------+-------+       +-----------+
|               |              |                  |             BRIDGE
|               |              |                  |
|               |              |                  |
+---------------+              +------------------+
      |         +-----------+
      |         |  Web      |
      +-------> |  Console  |

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Hardware Supported

The SteamLink client arduino library have currently been tested on:

  1. Adafruit LoRa featherboards
  2. ESP8266
  3. ESP32

The store is implemented in Python and most unix like systems should be able to support it.

Components of the SteamLink Network

A SteamLink network comprises:

1. SteamLink Nodes

SteamLink Nodes can be thought of as "clients" in a SteamLink network. There are two types of nodes:

  • Standard nodes: These nodes have a single physical interface to send and receive packets. As of the current SteamLink version, traffic from the store terminates at a standard node.
  • Bridge node: These nodes have two physical interfaces and can pass packets from one physical interface to another.

2. SteamLink Store

The SteamLink store can be thought of as the "backend" of a SteamLink network. The SteamLink store provides the database, web-console, and a default message brokering facility for the network.

NB: All nodes in a SteamLink network have a unique SteamLink ID or slid for short. Bridge nodes have two slid

Packet Flow

The SteamLink packet-flow is in two directions: "node -> store" and "store -> node". All packets include a header followed by a payload.

1. data: node -> store

data packets as they usually contain sensor data and status messages.

Data MQTT Channel

Any node that can communicate directly to MQTT can send its data messages to: SteamLink/<slid>/data

Data Header format

Field Bits Description
op 8 Data packet op code (see below)
slid 32 SteamLink ID of the node creating the packet
pkg_num 16 Packet number/count set by the node creating the packet
rssi 8 Describes the signal strength of the previous hop

Data packets look like:

| op | slid | pkg_num | rssi | payload...|

Data Packet OP codes:

NB Data message op codes have an odd bottom bit

OP code Hex Type Resp. from store Payload Description
DS 0x31 USER AN User payload User packet to store
BS 0x33 TRANSPORT none Encapsulated packet Bridge data to store
RC 0x35 ADMIN SC msgpk {config, bool cold} Rpt cfg
AS 0x37 ADMIN none {code, pkg_num} Ack from node -> store
MS 0x39 USER AN msgpk {mt} Logging and messaging service
TR 0x3B TRANSPORT none Received test data Test packet seen
SS 0x3D SHARED none msgpk {sl_status, user_status, array counters} Status
OF 0x3F ADMIN none msgpk, {sleep_duration} Sign-off, do not disturb

2. control: store -> node

control packets usually contain messages to configure and command the nodes.

Control MQTT Channel

Any node that can communicate directly to MQTT receives its control messages on: SteamLink/<slid>/control

Control Header format

Field Bits Description
op 8 Control packet op code (see below)
slid 32 SteamLink ID of the destination node of the packet
pkg_num 16 Packet number/count set by the node creating the packet

Control packets look like:

| op | slid | pkg_num | payload...|

Control Packet OP codes:

NB Control message op codes have an even bottom bit

OP code Hex Type Resp. from node Payload Description
DN 0x30 USER AS User payload User packet from store
BN 0x32 TRANSPORT none Encapsulated packet Bridge data from store
GS 0x34 ADMIN SS none Get status from node
TD 0x36 ADMIN none Test data to send Transmit test packet via radio
SC 0x38 ADMIN AS msgpk {cfg} Set cfg
BO 0x3A ADMIN none msgpk {bool cold} Reboot node
MN 0x3C ADMIN AS msgpk {string mt} Message to node
AN 0x3E ADMIN none msgpk {code, pkg_num} Ack from store -> node

Acknowledgement Packet Codes for AN and AS Packets

Code AN AS
0x00 Success Success
0x01 Supressed duplicate pkt Supressed duplicate pkt
0x02 Unexpected pkt, dropping Unexpected pkt, dropping
0x03 Bad version, dropping Bad version, dropiing
0x04 Unexpected size, dropping Unexpected size, dropping


pkg_num is an inflight unique packet number for USER and ADMIN packet types. It is not used for TRANSPORT packets.

msgpack fields

SteamLink uses message pack for payloads for some messages.


Node Configuration

The steamlink node structure looks like this:

struct SL_NodeCfgStruct {
    uint8_t  version;
    uint32_t slid;
    char name[10];
    char description[32];
    float gps_lat;
    float gps_lon;
    short altitude;
    uint8_t max_silence; // in seconds
    bool battery_powered;
    uint8_t radio_params; // radio params need to be interpreted by drivers

TBD FEATURE Driver confiuration for ESP and LoRa to be part of config struct that can be sent over the air using SC op-codes

Configuration Sequence

On Boot (node side)

  1. Power on
  2. Retrieve local config from registers
  3. Send RC
  4. Wait for SC
  5. Store config retrieved from SC payload to local registers
  6. Send AS
  7. Intialize and run

On Web Reconfig (store side)

  1. User inputs config and clicks save
  2. Send SC to node
  3. Wait for AS

NB The store needs to send a BO for node to activate reconfig. This is to allow multi-stage / multi-node reconfigurations. Node State machine

WiFi Bridge Configuration

Bridge nodes that support WiFi start up with an AP and host a webserver for reconfiguration of that bridge. See the WiFiManager library for more details.