GiftCardsApi giftCardsApi = client.getGiftCardsApi();
- List Gift Cards
- Create Gift Card
- Retrieve Gift Card From GAN
- Retrieve Gift Card From Nonce
- Link Customer to Gift Card
- Unlink Customer From Gift Card
- Retrieve Gift Card
Lists all gift cards. You can specify optional filters to retrieve
a subset of the gift cards. Results are sorted by created_at
in ascending order.
CompletableFuture<ListGiftCardsResponse> listGiftCardsAsync(
final String type,
final String state,
final Integer limit,
final String cursor,
final String customerId)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
type |
String |
Query, Optional | If a type is provided, the endpoint returns gift cards of the specified type. Otherwise, the endpoint returns gift cards of all types. |
state |
String |
Query, Optional | If a state is provided, the endpoint returns the gift cards in the specified state. Otherwise, the endpoint returns the gift cards of all states. |
limit |
Integer |
Query, Optional | If a limit is provided, the endpoint returns only the specified number of results per page. The maximum value is 200. The default value is 30. For more information, see Pagination. |
cursor |
String |
Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint. Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query. If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results. For more information, see Pagination. |
customerId |
String |
Query, Optional | If a customer ID is provided, the endpoint returns only the gift cards linked to the specified customer. |
giftCardsApi.listGiftCardsAsync(null, null, null, null, null).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;
Creates a digital gift card or registers a physical (plastic) gift card. The resulting gift card
state. To activate a gift card so that it can be redeemed for purchases, call
CreateGiftCardActivity and create an ACTIVATE
activity with the initial balance. Alternatively, you can use RefundPayment
to refund a payment to the new gift card.
CompletableFuture<CreateGiftCardResponse> createGiftCardAsync(
final CreateGiftCardRequest body)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
body |
CreateGiftCardRequest |
Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
CreateGiftCardRequest body = new CreateGiftCardRequest.Builder(
new GiftCard.Builder(
giftCardsApi.createGiftCardAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;
Retrieves a gift card using the gift card account number (GAN).
CompletableFuture<RetrieveGiftCardFromGANResponse> retrieveGiftCardFromGANAsync(
final RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest body)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
body |
RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest |
Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest body = new RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest.Builder(
giftCardsApi.retrieveGiftCardFromGANAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;
Retrieves a gift card using a secure payment token that represents the gift card.
CompletableFuture<RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceResponse> retrieveGiftCardFromNonceAsync(
final RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest body)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
body |
RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest |
Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest body = new RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest.Builder(
giftCardsApi.retrieveGiftCardFromNonceAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;
Links a customer to a gift card, which is also referred to as adding a card on file.
CompletableFuture<LinkCustomerToGiftCardResponse> linkCustomerToGiftCardAsync(
final String giftCardId,
final LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest body)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
giftCardId |
String |
Template, Required | The ID of the gift card to be linked. |
body |
LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest |
Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
String giftCardId = "gift_card_id8";
LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest body = new LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest.Builder(
giftCardsApi.linkCustomerToGiftCardAsync(giftCardId, body).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;
Unlinks a customer from a gift card, which is also referred to as removing a card on file.
CompletableFuture<UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardResponse> unlinkCustomerFromGiftCardAsync(
final String giftCardId,
final UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest body)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
giftCardId |
String |
Template, Required | The ID of the gift card to be unlinked. |
body |
UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest |
Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
String giftCardId = "gift_card_id8";
UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest body = new UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest.Builder(
giftCardsApi.unlinkCustomerFromGiftCardAsync(giftCardId, body).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;
Retrieves a gift card using the gift card ID.
CompletableFuture<RetrieveGiftCardResponse> retrieveGiftCardAsync(
final String id)
Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
id |
String |
Template, Required | The ID of the gift card to retrieve. |
String id = "id0";
giftCardsApi.retrieveGiftCardAsync(id).thenAccept(result -> {
// TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// TODO failure callback handler
return null;