For better seperation between goucrt as a library to write remote two integrations and the denon client, I have extracted the Denon Integration into a new repository: https://github.com/splattner/remotetwo-integration-denonavr
The Container images can be found here ghcr.io/splattner/remotetwo-integration-denonavr
. The latest release is also v0.2.7, but statring from now, versioning between goucrt and the denon integration will probably diverse.
Tostart you don't have to add the denon
anymore to the command. Just run the container as explained in the repos README.
Starting from the next release in goucrt (so probably 0.3.0), the denon client will be removed. I'll leave shelly/deconz/tasmota in there for the moment, as I'm not really using them at the moment. But they migh become a own repo as well later.