This project is a reference architecture based on a customized & extended version of the wonderful AngularFun project, for multi-interface angular applications, that leverages modern technologies & build tools to ease development using requirejs based autoloading of app scripts during development, while minimizes all those resources in a minified version of script for production use. It also establishes strong use of angular development best practices as well as modular architecture for development & management of large applications ensuring scalability. Also this type of architecture can be really useful, when used with different technologies in fronend & backend, for example the host page & rest api is provided by PHP/python/rails backend, where as websocket functionality is provided by node server.
For more information, read the instructions in original AngularFun project, rest of the document and the supplied code.
- Use of modern build tools including grunt, bower and all the nodejs goodies
- Support for development & production environment as build targets
- De-coupled architecture for backend & frontend, that enables easy replacement with production backend with almost zero code change (all backend service urls are provided by a configuration like serviceUrls service, that need to be updated to the right url base)
- Device specific multi-interface application development with common codebase
- Seperation of presentation assets that can be developed & imported from other project's build output
- A real nodejs backend with mocking rest api & websocket functionality
- Frontend websocket integration using sockjs-client library, which is used by frameworks like meteor
- Minified scripts, leaving out requirejs related stuffs, for production environment that also embeds all views put into angular template cache, that means zero request for script & view loading after initial load.
- Built-in css & image optimization support during production build
- Watch & liverealod support during development
- Install nodejs version v0.10.21 or higher with npm support
- Install following node modules globally
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
- Open a console & navigate to project directory (this directory) and issue
npm install
command to setup all dependencies
grunt build
- build task for developmentgrunt
orgrunt dev
- execute build task for development, run server in development mode with mock backend, open browser & start watching for changesgrunt prod
- build production ready minified version of scripts, assets & angular viewsgrunt server
- run server in production mode & open a browser. Issue this command only after a production build
├── assets -- all assets from asset development project should be placed here
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── desktop
│ │ │ └── styles.css
│ │ ├── mobile
│ │ │ └── styles.css
│ │ └── tablet
│ │ └── styles.css
│ ├── images
│ └── js
├── common -- common codes shared to application for all devices will go here
│ └── scripts
│ ├── backend -- any type of mocking backends should go here, which will be used during development
│ │ └── apiBackend.js
│ │ └── viewsBackend.js
│ ├── controllers -- all common controllers will go here. may be no more left to be implemented
│ │ └── appController.js -- base application controller shared to all device. loads initialization data & integrates app with socket server
│ ├── directives -- all reusable directives will go here
│ ├── factories -- all shared factory definitions will go here
│ │ ├── liveFeed.js -- websocket implementation service with sockjs, publishes various events to be consumed from controllers or other app components, using messageService service component
│ │ └── serviceUrls.js -- all api/webservice urls to communicate with backend must be configured here, and referenced via this factory instance
│ ├── filters -- all shared filters will go here
│ ├── interceptors -- all interceptors will go here, might not be necessary
│ │ └── dispatcher.js
│ └── services -- all shared service definitions will go here
│ ├── bracketService.js -- generic service to communicate with the backend api/webservices
│ └── messageService.js -- generic pub/sub messaging service to be used within cross component communication
├── desktop
│ ├── index.html -- SPA entry point for desktop inteface. should include the base layout
│ ├── scripts
│ │ ├── backend
│ │ ├── controllers
│ │ ├── directives
│ │ ├── factories
│ │ ├── filters
│ │ ├── interceptors
│ │ ├── routes.js -- all in-app routes for desktop frontend should be defined here
│ │ └── services
│ └── views
│ └── site.html -- main content section for the spa. should include child views as per application states
├── phone
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── scripts
│ │ ├── backend
│ │ ├── controllers
│ │ ├── directives
│ │ ├── filters
│ │ ├── interceptors
│ │ └── services
│ └── views
│ └── directives
└── tablet
├── index.html
├── scripts
│ ├── backend
│ ├── controllers
│ ├── directives
│ ├── filters
│ ├── interceptors
│ └── services
└── views
└── directives
├── api.js -- rest api handler to serve json data files from mock-data/api/{http-request-method}/ folder
├── middleware.js -- connect middle ware for node express server
├── mock-data -- data files to be served by api & socketServer services
│ ├── api
│ │ ├── delete -- will serve json files for DELETE requests
│ │ ├── get -- will serve json files for GET requests
│ │ │ ├── brackets -- will serve a hash of all containing json files if /api/brackets is requested
│ │ │ │ ├── live.json -- will be served on GET request for /api/brackets/live
│ │ │ │ └── original.json -- will be served on GET request for /api/brackets/original
│ │ │ ├── gen-brackets.js -- helper genrator of brackets. should never be altered by frontent team
│ │ │ ├── gen-teams.js -- helper generator of teams. should never be altered by frontend team
│ │ │ ├── regions.json -- will be served on GET request for /api/regions
│ │ │ ├── rounds.json -- will be served on GET request for /api/rounds
│ │ │ └── teams.json -- will be served on GET request for /api/teams
│ │ ├── post -- will serve json files for POST requests
│ │ └── put -- will serve json files for PUT requests
│ └── livefeed -- json files from this folder will be served via websocket in roud-robin fasion with 1 second interval
│ ├── 01.json
│ ├── 02.json
│ ├── 03.json
│ ├── 04.json
│ └── 05.json
├── routes.js -- basic express routes handler to serve host pages for various devices, /desktop is default
└── socketServer.js -- websocket handler to serve json files in mock-data/livefeed folder periodically to all connected sockets
- frontend/common folder should contain only the code that can be shared to frontend app for all devices, any device specific code must go into the frontend/{device_name} folder
- All view (.html) files must be referenced in other views or routes with urls starting with /. This is crucial for the minified build to work, that will embed all view files into the minified script & put into the templace cache.
- All angular components must be registered with array notaion to specify their dependency explicitly. No auto-discovery will be supported in production build. Look at the existing files in common folder for reference implementations.
- Update index.html files with actual asset references when assets will be imported from markup project
- Review, understand & play with provided code before starting with the actual implementation.