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Run SHACL Play App from command line

Thomas Francart edited this page Oct 21, 2024 · 16 revisions

Download and Install

  • Prerequisite : you need Java 11 installed
  • Download the file shacl-play-app-X.Y.Z-onejar.jar from the release section
  • Open a command line and run java -jar shacl-play-app-X.Y.Z-onejar.jar, you should get the full synopsis of all possible commands with their options.

General Synopsis

The general synopsis of the command is the following :

java -jar shacl-play-app-X.Y.Z-onejar.jar <command> <options>

Getting help on a specific command

To get help on a specific command, run

java -jar shacl-play-app-X.Y.Z-onejar.jar <command> --help

Typical validation script

A typical run to validate some input data against a SHACL file and generate both an HTML report and the raw RDF validation report is the following :

java -jar shacl-play-app-X.Y.Z-onejar.jar validate \
--input <path/to/input.rdf> \
--shapes <path/to/shapes.ttl> \
--output validation-report.html \
--output validation-report.ttl

Commands reference


Analyses the content of an input SPARQL endpoint or RDF file to compute statistics based on an input SHACL file. The statistics computed and the number of instances of each class, the number of occurrences of each property shapes, and the number of distinct values for each property shapes. The input SHACL file can be the one obtained from the generate command.

    analyze      Analyzes an input dataset against a provided SHACL file, and 
            counts the number of instances/occurrences of each NodeShapes / 
            PropertyShapes in the dataset. Outputs a void:Dataset entity with 
            partitions holding the count.
      Usage: analyze [options]
          -e, --endpoint
            URL of SPARQL endpoint to analyze (e.g. 
   Either endpoint or input needs to be 
          -i, --input
            Input data file to analyse. This can be repeated for multiple 
            input files, and can point to a directory. Either endpoint or 
            input needs to be specified.
        * -o, --output
            Path where the statistics model will be written. The format of the 
            file is determined based on the file extension : '*.ttl, *.rdf, 
            *.n3, *.nq, *.nt, *.trig, *.jsonld'
          -os, --outputShapes
            Path where the shapes graph will be written. The shapes graph will 
            be enhanced by the statistical analysis process, with sh:in 
            constraints when a few values have been found i nthe statistics. 
            This is optional: if not provided, shapes will not be written 
            back. The format of the file is determined based on the file 
            extension : '*.ttl, *.rdf, *.n3, *.nq, *.nt, *.trig, *.jsonld'
        * -s, --shapes
            Path to the shapes file against which the input data should be 

Example usage:

java -jar shacl-play-app-0.8.0-onejar.jar analyze \
--shapes nakala-shacl-raw.ttl \
--endpoint \
--output nakala-statistics.ttl


Generates a documentation page from a SHACL input file, in HTML or PDF, in a given language. Same as

    doc      Generates a documentation page from a SHACL input file, in HTML 
            or PDF, in a given language.
      Usage: doc [options]
          -d, --diagram
            Include diagram in the generated documentation.
            Default: false
          -h, --hide
            hide datatype properties.
            Default: false
          -m, --img
            Upload your logo on the document, local or through a link.
        * -i, --input
            Path to a input Shapes file, or directory containing multiple 
        * -l, --language
            Language code to generate documentation in, e.g. 'en', 'fr', etc.
        * -o, --output
            Path to an output file, with extension *.html or *.pdf
          -w, --owl
            Path to a input OWL ontology file, or directory containing 
            multiple files.
          -p, --pdf
            print a pdf file.
            Default: false


Draw a UML diagram from a SHACL file. Same as

   draw      Draw a UML diagram from a SHACL file
      Usage: draw [options]
        * -i, --input
            Path to a input Shapes file, or directory containing multiple 
        * -o, --output
            Path to an output file, with extension *.png or *.svg or *.pdf or 
            *.iuml. Can be repeated to generate multiple outputs.
          -s, --sub
            Set this option to include subClassOf links in the diagram, from 
            rdfs:subClassOf assertions. Defaults to false
            Default: false


Removes property shapes from an input SHACL file, based on the usage statistics of the property. Properties used on less than 0.1% of the instance of the class are removed from the input SHACL file. This is useful to remove rarely used properties from the SHACL file. The input SHACL file and the input statistics file can be the ones obtained from the generate and statistics commands.

    filter      Filters a shape model against a statistics file. Properties 
            used less than 0.1% of the time will be removed from the SHACL 
      Usage: filter [options]
          -d, --description
            Copies statistics on the description of shapes. Defaults to false
            Default: false
        * -o, --output
            Path where the statistics file will be written. The format of the 
            file is determined based on the file extension : '*.ttl, *.rdf, 
            *.n3, *.nq, *.nt, *.trig, *.jsonld'
        * -s, --shapes
            Path to the shapes file against which the input data should be 
        * -st, --statistics
            Path to the statistics file containing the void:triples count and 
            void:distinctObject count for each shapes

Example usage:

java -jar shacl-play-app-0.8.0-onejar.jar filter \
--shapes nakala-shacl-raw.ttl \
--statistics nakala-statistics.ttl \
--output nakala-shacl-filtered.ttl \


Generates a JSON-LD context file from a SHACL specification.

    generatecontext      Generates a JSON-LD context from a SHACL file.
      Usage: generatecontext [options]
        * -i, --input
            Path to a input Shapes file, or directory containing multiple 
        * -o, --output
            Path to an output file, with extension *.json


Generates the SHACL profile of an input knowledge graph, provided either as an input file or as a remote SPARQL endpoint.

    generate      Generates the SHACL profile of an input knowledge graph
      Usage: generate [options]
          -e, --endpoint
            URL of SPARQL endpoint to analyze (e.g. 
   Either endpoint or input needs to be 
          -exc, --exclude
            List of classes URI to be excluded from the analysis. If a class 
            is in this list, it will not be analyzed
          -inc, --include
            List of classes URI to be included in the analysis. Classes not in 
            the list will not be analyzed.
          -i, --input
            Input data file to analyse. This can be repeated for multiple 
            input files, and can point to a directory. Either endpoint or 
            input needs to be specified.
          -nl, --no-labels
            Set this option to avoid generating sh:name and rdfs:label on the 
            shapes. Defaults to false
            Default: false
        * -o, --output
            Path where the SHACL file will be written. The format of the file 
            is determined based on the file extension : '*.ttl, *.rdf, *.n3, 
            *.nq, *.nt, *.trig, *.jsonld'
          -p, --prefix
            Namespace prefixes to be added to the output shapes, in the form 
            <key1>:<ns1> <key2>:<ns2> e.g. 

Example usage:

java -jar shacl-play-app-0.8.0-onejar.jar generate \
--endpoint \
--output nakala-shacl-raw.ttl \
--prefix edm: \
--prefix schema: \
--prefix owl: \
--prefix skos: \
--prefix dct: \
--prefix xsd: \
--prefix foaf: \
--prefix ore: \
--prefix geo: \
--prefix wgs84:


Infer data based on the provided SHACL file containing rules, and writes the output in the given output file

   infer      Infer data based on the provided SHACL file containing rules, 
            and writes the output in the given output file
      Usage: infer [options]
        * -i, --input
            Path to a local RDF file
        * -o, --output
            Path to the output file
        * -s, --shapes
            Path to an RDF file or directory containing the shapes definitions 
            to use, this can be repeated to merge multiple SHACL files.


Converts an OWL ontology into a SHACL file, in a specified 'conversion style'

Usage: owl2shacl [options]
  * -i, --input
      Path to a local RDF file or directory. This can be repeated to read 
      multiple input files.
  * -o, --output
      Path to the output file
    -s, --style
      Style of conversion. Defaults to 'SIMPLE'
      Default: SIMPLE


Generates SPARQL queries for dataset generation based on a SHACL input file

      Usage: shacl2sparql [options]
        * -i, --input
            Path to the input SHACL file
        * -o, --output
            Path to the output directory where SPARQL queries will be written
          -to, --targetsOverride
            Path to an optional SHACL file overriding the targets of the main 
            SHACL file. If provided, the sh:target predicates of the input 
            file will be replaced by the sh:target from this file.

Example usage:

java -jar shacl-play-app-0.7.0-onejar.jar shacl2sparql --input myShacl.ttl --output sparqlQueries --targetOverride myShaclForTargetOverride

For an example of a "targets override" parameter, see


Executes a set of SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries in batch against a SPARQL endpoint and outputs output in a single file

      Usage: sparqlbatch [options]
        * -e, --endpoint
            SPARQL endpoint URL to which the queries will be sent
        * -o, --output
            Path to the output directory where the result file will be written
          -p, --prefixesFile
            Path to the input RDF (SHACL) file to read prefixes from. If not 
            provided, no prefix declarations will be set in the output file
        * -q, --queries
            Path to the input directory containing SPARQL CONSTRUCT files

Example usage:

java -jar shacl-play-app-0.7.0-onejar.jar sparqlbatch --queries sparqlQueries --output path/to/outputFile.ttl --endpoint http://localhost:7200/repositories/myRepo --prefix myShacl.ttl


Validates some input RDF data against the provided SHACL file, and writes the output in one or more output file. The format of the output file(s) is determined based on its file extension.

Synopsys :

Usage: validate [options]
    -c, --copyInput
      Path to the file where the input should be copied to be examined
    -cd, --createDetails
      Asks the SHACL validator to create details for OrComponent and 
      AndComponents. Defaults to false.
      Default: false
    -x, --extra
      Extra data to use for validation - but not part of validated data 
      itself. Typically ontology file with subClassOf predicates
  * -i, --input
      Path to a local RDF file. This can be repeated to read multiple input 
      files (e.g. data files + ontology file + vocabulary file)
  * -o, --output
      Path to an output file. This can be repeated to serialize the report in 
      multiple output files. The format of the file is determined based on the 
      file extension : '*.html' for the HTML report, '*-raw.html' for a raw 
      listing of validation results, '*-summary.html'  for a raw rendering of 
      a summary of validation results, '*.ttl' or '*.rdf' for an RDF 
      serialisation of the report, in Turtle or RDF/XML, '*.csv' for a CSV 
      serilisation of the validation results 

  * -s, --shapes
      Path to an RDF file containing the shapes definitions to use
      Namespace prefixes, in the form <key1>,<ns1> <key2>,<ns2> e.g. 
      skos, dct,