Android Accelerometer - We barely notice it, but it is one of the most important feature buried in the everyday smartphone experience.
Before the arrival of smartphones, keyboard was one of the few hardware components was used for interaction. Now, the times have changed and interacting with hardware has become more common.
Today, gestures feel more natural than interacting with a hardware, especially for touch devices such as tablets and smartphones.
These gestures bring an android app to life by making it more exciting and interesting for the users. And, to implement such gestures in an android app, Android Accelerometer is used.
Android accelerometer usually measures the acceleration by force. This is something that almost everyone is familiar with. So, let’s go ahead and see how you can integrate Android accelerometer in your Android app to detect shake in an Android device.
Once you successfully implement this code, you can easily integrate Android Accelerometer in your app. Though, If you’d like know how you can add different features of shake detection, you can consult with Android app development company to get suggestions for your mobile app.