this project is about making landing page. it has showed HTML coding language, is uesful for web development students, included some specific information about HTML.
- working with HTML flie inspired me to create this page.
- this will solve both theoreical and practical problems in the level of intermediate.
- during workung on this page, i learned more ideas about how creat Landing Page through HTML and CSS languages ,which codes i can use, how organize information together.
- using of HTML and CSS languages make this Landing Page stand out.
<li><a class="nav-link" href="#features">Home</a></li>
<li><a class="nav-link" href="#how you can have safe travel">About</a></li>
<li><a class="nav-link" href="#which facilities provide to you">Services</a></li>
<li><a class="nav-link" href="#prices">Contact</a></li>
## Technologies Used 🛠️
## Installation 💻
you must have account in GITHUB, have installed GIT bash, have installed visual studio code, an uppdate version of chrome.
## Usage 🎯
first clone the repository with your local machin, then open in vscode by (code .) command, after that commit regularly from every changes that you make.
## Features ⭐
- making idea about creating landing page
- findig important issues about HTML CSS.
![Project Demo](./assets/capture_240528_173316.png)
## Author 👩💻
Sodaba Rauf
- GITHUB:[(]
- LinkedIn: [(]
- Email: [[email protected]]([email protected])
## License 📜