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Guide to writing a extension

Last updated: Sep 15th, 2019

Minimal requirements

The extension will run in the JVM context of the server using JRE 8. The minimum dependency is to add


The extension must:

  • implement the FunnelExtension interface
  • provide a file named funnel-extension.json (content see below)
  • implement at least one of the following interfaces:
    • TripDataProducer
    • TripDataModifier
    • TripDataConsumer
    • TripDataWebhook


The funnel-extension.json file tells the server about the extension.

  "Implementation": "",
  "Name": "Confirmation E-mails",
  "Author": "WaNT GmbH",
  "BookingSource": "Domain of booking platform",
  "CustomerSystem": "System name under which customer references are used",
  "Version": "1.0.0",
  "Description": "Read confirmation e-mails from a POP3/IMAP e-mail server.",
  "URL": "",
  "PrivacyPolicyURL": "",
  "Permissions": [
  	  "Socket": ""

Mandatory properties are 'Implementation', 'Name', 'Author', 'Version', 'Description' and 'PrivacyPolicyURL'. If the optional 'URL' is provided, a link to the URL will be shown to the user. Producer extensions are recommend to supply 'BookingSource'; if this is not a constant value, then describe what sources the extension will provide.

(The logo URL is not provided by the JSON file, but by the interface implementation. The reason is that many implementations will provide the logo as part of the JAR, ie. implementations will use Class#getResource(String).)

The extension must declare its interaction with the "outside" world through the permissions array. These will be listed on the UI. In the above example, the extension will exchange data with the server.

Presentation of the extension in

Each extension is presented in a standard layout.

Presentation of the ACME extension

  • "Test Producer" is taken from the "Name" in funnel-extension.json
  • "WaNT GmbH" is taken from the "Author" in funnel-extension.json
  • "1.0.0" is taken from the "Version" in funnel-extension.json
  • "Produce test trips from pre-defined JSON files. Only used in testing." is taken from the "Description" in funnel-extension.json
  • "More" points to the link defined by "URL" in funnel-extension.json
  • The logo is read by FunnelExtension#getLogoUrl(), and rendered with max-width: 70px; max-height: 70px;


By implementing the FunnelExtension interface, the extension must provide some methods related to settings:

List<SettingItem> getSettings();
void validateSettings(Map<String, Object> settingValues, Locale locale) throws IllegalSettingException;
String getLabelForKey(String settingItemKey, Locale locale);

This mechanism allows for the extension to tell which settings are needed to operate. The validateSettings implementation must ensure that all mandatory settings are provided and valid.

When calling produce / modify / consume, the provided map is subsequently scanned for changed 'INTERNAL' values. These are then saved back the to account extension settings. In this way, an extension can maintain a account-wide state between executions.

Producer (converter) extensions

"Privacy by design" asks to reduce the data scope where possible. In order to accommodate that principal, implementations of TripRawDataConverter must provide a small set of settings are conveniently pre-defined in the MinimalConverterSettings class.

Execution environment

The provided settings will always contain some environment-specific keys:

  • The key SettingItem.KEY_SERVERCONTEXT will hold the server-path, eg. /be/prod.
  • The key SettingItem.KEY_FILESTORE holds a string pointing to the server location for storing files. If the extension implementation creates files, it must do so using SettingItem.KEY_FILESTORE. Note that the directory is independent of the account, ie. it is in the extension's responsibility to manage directories per account if this would be necessary.
  • The key SettingItem.KEY_ISPRODUCTION holds a Boolean indicating whether the current context is production or not
  • TripDataProducer will additionally receive SettingItem.KEY_ACCOUNT_UUID as UUID

Types of extensions


A 'producer' extension create travel data to be stored in It takes only the extension settings and retrieves travel data from an external source. The call sequence has two phases:

List<byte[]> getRawSources(Map<String, Object> settings, Locale locale);

.. retrieves raw sources, and passes these to The raw source will be stored together with the trip object.

Booking convertRawSourceToTripData(byte[] rawSource, Map<String, Object> settings, Locale locale);

... converts a single raw source to a booking object.

This interface is suitable for pull systems such as retrieving e-mails.

Design considerations

  • Producers should not filter data; this should be left to consumers (examples: skipping certain payments, setting prices to 0.00)
  • Ticket-related fees should be mapped to individual tickets, even if that means the producer needs to split the fee


Some 'producer' mechanisms works such that in a first step, the extension triggers data production asynchronously. Once ready, the data is then delivered via webhook. The interface TripDataTwoPhasedProducer supports this process by mandating that the producer's

List<byte[]> getRawSources(Map<String, Object> settings, Locale locale);

does not produce full raw sources, but simply a list of unique, external IDs (returned as String.getBytes(UTF-8)). These will be stored by in a "pending" state. As webhook, the external system must then call<classname of the extension>

Subsequently, the extension is called first to extract the unique, external ID from the payload, and then called

Booking convertRawSourceToTripData(byte[] rawSource, Map<String, Object> settings, Locale locale);

to convert the payload to a booking object structure.

Beware that with a two-phased producer, there is a time-period during which the original payload has been retrieved, but the second phase has not been executed. The extension implementation must ensure that if triggered again, it will not again retrieve the original payload.


A 'modifier' extension alters travel data. This can mean augmenting existing booking data with eg. flight statistics or more detailed hotel information, but it can also entirely change the booking structure by eg. rebooking a flight.

This interface is suitable for modifications based on timed events or as reaction to trip events.

Internal execution management

User settings along with interna define which extensions get called when. The scenario of an "endless modification loop", however, needs to be taken into account when implementing a TripDataModifier.

A TripDataModifier might get called whenever booking data has changed. If there are multiple such extensions, they might trigger calling each other in an endless loop. The implementation must therefore verify if a modification is necessary and taking place, and return an empty Optional if no modification has occurred.

Optional<Booking> modify(Booking bookingData, Map<String, Object> settings, Locale locale);


A 'consumer' extension only receives travel data, without any feedback to Typical examples are reporting or data feeds to accounting systems.


A 'webhook' extension is typically either a producer or modifier where execution is triggered by a third-party system.

This interface is suitable for push systems such as notification calls from booking systems.

Updating internal settings and/or booking state

All extension types (even consumers) can write back:

  1. internal settings
  2. extension state on the booking

The first is useful when an extension needs to maintain eg. an accounting sequence number over all executions. The extension simply needs to replace the desired key in the settings map, and mark the key as SettingItemValueType.INTERNAL.

The second one is useful for extensions which need to write back a tracking ID or similar. This, again, could be an accounting sequence number, or a tracking ID etc. See the following chapter on how to handle such Booking#extensionData.

The Booking#extensionData field

Each Booking object holds a extensionData JSON field, which extensions can use in varying ways. The root node holds a key per extension classname. Data from other extensions will be available to all extensions, so do not store sensitive data here.

Additional data for extension

The data structure passed to in the extensionData field will be passed back to the extension unchanged. Thus an extension can hold additional state in this field, eg:

	"": {
	    "lastExecution": "20190121T14:55:23Z",
	    "lastGeneratedId": 662323667

Any extension, also consumers, can update extensionData. The implementation must consider the case where Booking#getExtensionData() returns null.

private void updateExtensionData(final Booking booking, final String value) {
    ObjectNode extensionData = (ObjectNode) booking.getExtensionData();
    if (extensionData == null) {
        extensionData = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
    ObjectNode internalData = (ObjectNode) extensionData.get(this.getClass().getName());
    if ((internalData == null) || (internalData.isNull())) {
        internalData = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
        extensionData.set(this.getClass().getName(), internalData);
    internalData.put("trackingId", value);

Additional data for user

An extension can add data to be presented to the user by adding a ui node with a predefined structure:

	"": {
	    "lastExecution": "20190121T14:55:23Z",
	    "lastGeneratedId": 662323667,
	    "ui": [
	    		"contextType": "SEGMENT",
	    		"contextUuid": "c8ec4565-d7d1-4c48-8ff7-a5eac3a5778f",
	    		"labelKey": "myextension.label1",
	    		"valueType": "STRING",
	    		"value": "This segment was verified by Foobar"

The following rules apply:

  • contextType must be one of the following: "BOOKING" | "SERVICE" | "SEGMENT"
  • contextUuid must be derived by the extension from the provided trip data structure.
  • labelKey will eventually be sent back to the extension in the getLabelForKey method for translation
  • valueType must be one of the following: "STRING", "DATE", "INT", "BOOLEAN"

Beware that extensions must not provide some sort of execution status as additional UI field, as that status is already displayed natively by

Date/time handling

  • Timestamps which denote a server-event (such as 'last login' or a changelog event) are serialized in UTC using the ISO 8601 format, e.g 2019-04-15T13:09:00.710Z.
  • Dates are serialized in XML format, eg. 2019-04-19. This is mainly relevant for departure / arrival dates
  • Date/Times for departures / arrivals of travel segments (flight, train etc) are serialized in ISO 8601 format but without a timezone, eg. 2019-04-20T04:56:00. The time here is always interpreted as local to the departing / arriving destination. If an extension sends (or modifies) trip data, it must ensure that the timestamp is delivered either without timezone, or that the time is adjusted accordingly.

Common issues

My extension needs to be called per trip, not per booking

Extension management runs per booking, states are also maintained per booking. However, the associated trip is passed to consumer extensions. Thus for consumer extensions, the implementation should add a marker in the booking extension data when first called, and then check for that marker on all bookings of the trip to see if the extension was already executed.

The destinations don't work for me

The destination on a booking and service level are determined based on the organization's location (if associated users are identified). For some extensions, this destination 'calculation' might be insufficient, or the extension needs to handle multi-stay trips (traveling salesman). For such cases, the SegmentSplitter from extension-utils can be used to take all segments from a service and split it into legs based on the stay at each destination.

Library dependencies

The extension will run in the JVM context of the, and as such will have available the runtime libraries provided by

  • slf4j-api, version1.7.36
    • Use jcl-over-slf4j for an implementation in tests
  • ch.qos.logback, version 1.4.14
  •, version 2.10.1
  • (guava), version 33.0.0-jre
  • commons-codec, version 1.16.0
  • commons-io, version 2.6
  • commons-net, version 3.6
  • com.jcraft, jsch, version 0.1.55
  • jakarta.mail, version 2.0.2
  • jakarta.xml, 4.0.1
  • jaxb runtime 4.0.4
  • org.apache.httpcomponents.client5 (httpclient5), version 5.2.3
  • org.apache.httpcomponents.core5 (httpcore5-reactive), version 5.2.4
  • org.apache.cxf, version 3.3.3
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core (jackson-core), version 2.15.3
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core (jackson-dataformat-csv), version 2.15.3
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core (jackson-dataformat-xml), version 2.15.3
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core (jackson-dataformat-yaml), version 2.15.3
  • org.freemarker, version 2.3.32
  • ch.want.funnel (extension-util), newest 2.x version


API for extensions







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