- execute node setting script
$ ./node-preset.sh
- execute manager setting script
$ ./manager.sh
$ ssh-copy-id {masters and nodes IP address}
update hosts inventory
check ping test
$ ansible -m ping all -i hosts
- deploy k8s cluster
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts k8s-setup.yaml
- deploy rook-ceph
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts ceph-setup.yaml
# get admin initial password
$ kubectl -n rook-ceph get secret rook-ceph-dashboard-password -o yaml | grep "password:" | awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode
- deploy velero
pre-cond : minio setup minio-setting
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts velero-setup.yaml
- how to backup and restore
# backup
$ velero create backup {backup-name} --include-namespaces {namespaces}
... delete application ...
# restore
$ velero restore create --from-bakcup {backup-name}
# schedule
$ velero create schedule {backup-name} --schedule="0 7 * * *" --include-namespaces {namespace}