WS 2016/17 - RIOT im Internet of Things - Bachelor Project of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
###A distributed lasergun game for multiple players with lots of fun
The fundamental concept is a distributed multiplayer game, consisting of two guns and two associated target stations, each running on an IoT.
Originally the Idea was to use actual nerfguns, currently project is running with laserguns, actually providing great results.
- Target application running on RIOT
- Gun application running on RIOT
- node.js server running on a Raspberry Pi (raspbian os)
As RIOTNerf is based on RIOT-OS ( you will have to set up RIOT-OS correctly before you will be able to work with RIOTNerf. To do so it is recommended to follow the steps provided in the RIOT-OS tutorial, which is to be found here:
We experienced the most success in developing with RIOT-OS by running RIOT-OS without a VM (virtual machine) on a system running a distrbution of GNU/Linux, in particular running Linux Mint.
To clone this git repository use
git clone --recursive
This will download a copy of the entire git repository including the RIOT-OS submodule to the current working directory. The current working directory can be printed using pwd
To update your local files of the RIOTNerf project use
Pushing your local changes to the remote should be done as follows:
to see the files that were modified locally. If the list shows any files that you don't want to push to the remote, such as binary files please edit the .gitignore file so that the files in question will be ignored.
Then add your local changes using
Afterwards create the commit using
replace YOURMESSAGEHERE with text that indicates what changes you had made.
Finally push to the remote using
To set up you will need the following equipment as listed below:
- 4x samr21-xpro
- 1x Raspberry Pi + Transceiver
- 4x Microservo SG90
- 2x Servo Arm for SG90
- 2x 5mW Red Dot Laser Diode Module
- 2x NPN Transistor
- 2x 1kOhm Resistor
- 2x isl29125 RGB Sensor
- 4x USB Powerbank
- 1x Pinboard
- 2x Piece of Wood: LxBxH 3x3x1cm with 6mm Drill Hole
- 2x Piece of Wood: LxBxH 10x10x1cm with Fitting for isl29125
- 2x Triangular Pillar for Targets
- 8x Spacer
- Wiring
- Screws
Assemble the samr21-xpro boards for each gun and each target as follows
In this project we used a Raspberry Pi 1 B. If you are using the same version you just copy the data from the diretory "RaspPi" to you sd card.
For Versions newer then 1 B better start from the beginning:
You can skip the "New Linux Kernels for the Pi" part. And check out "tmux", its quite helpful.
With that done concentrate on you iwpan channels. We used channel 26, you can edit that with the following command: "phy phy0 set channel 0 NEWCHANNEL". With that in mind, don't forget to change channel on your IoT devices.
After that please install "node.js" and "" with these links:
At last copy the data from the "WebServer" directory in you home directory on your Pi. With "node index.js" you can now start your Web- and CoapServer within the index.js file.
For the final run, don't forget to start radvd "sudo radvd -n -d=5".
To build the project build the application that will run on a laser gun using the Makefile of the coaptest application by executing the following command
To build the target application run the following command in the target folder
The laser guns can be remote controlled from the web interface supplied by the Raspberry Pi WebServer application. You can choose one Team, by entering the numbers in the right field or use Arrow Keys (Team1) or WASD (Team2). Your Browser will notify all players when a target was hit.
- Andreas - Communication IoT side
- Jerom - Server side
- Michael - Server side
- Phillip - IoT development
- Darjush - IoT development
- Martin - IoT development, HW Setup