Secure your IT infrastructure, source code, servers, and teams with our B2B SaaS, open source software, technology solutions, and training.
Interested in our open source works? Just send us a message, we're here to support you.
Secure your IT infrastructure, source code, servers, and teams with our B2B SaaS, open source software, technology solutions, and training.
Interested in our open source works? Just send us a message, we're here to support you.
Automate multi-cloud infrastructure provisioning parallely on AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Terraform.
Organize and manage your customers with a sample CRM (Customer Relationship Management) app written on the Flask framework in Python backed by the Redis database.
Containerize and deploy popular fullstacks, microservices, and Big Data workloads using Containerd, Docker, Docker compose, and Docker swarm.
Organize and manage your contacts with a sample CTM (Contact Management) app written on the Express framework in NodeJS backed by the MongoDB database.
Deploy diverse platforms, workloads, and services in cloud or on-premise servers with advanced automation and configuration management using Ansible.
Deploy diverse platforms, workloads, and services in cloud or on-premise servers with advanced automation and configuration management using Chef.
Build secure, scalable, lightweight, and hardened OS/machine images for cloud and on-premise hypervisors using Packer.
Organize and manage your notes with a sample NTM (Note Management) app written on the Ruby on Rails framework in Ruby backed by the PostgreSQL database.
Integrate popular tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Chef, Packer, and Terraform with Jenkins to create large-scale CI/CD pipelines or workflows.
Create and manage highly customized resources in the AWS cloud infrastructure using AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and AWS CloudFormation.