A stochastic simulation framework in Julia.
Documentation | Build Status | Code Coverage |
using Pkg
Pkg.add("https://github.com/alanderos91/BioSimulator.jl.git", "BioSimulator")
- STABLE — most recently tagged version of the documentation.
- LATEST — in-development version of the documentation.
If you use BioSimulator.jl in an academic manuscript, please cite:
Landeros A, Stutz, T, Keys, KL, Alekseyenko, A, Sinsheimer, JS, Lange, K, & Sehl, ME (2018) BioSimulator. jl: Stochastic simulation in Julia. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 167, 23-35. (journal)(preprint)
title = {{BioSimulator.jl: Stochastic simulation in Julia}},
author = {Landeros, Alfonso and Stutz, Timothy and Keys, Kevin L and Alekseyenko, Alexander and Sinsheimer, Janet S and Lange, Kenneth and Sehl, Mary E},
journal = {{Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine}},
volume = {167},
pages = {23--35},
year = {2018},
publisher = {Elsevier}