Provide a tool to prepare and print-out information on tasks progress
npm run demo
- to see a demo
const Inform = require('@skazska/inform');
const inform = new Inform('main');
const group = inform.mainGroup;
const informer = group.addInformer(new Promise((resolve, reject ) => setTimeout(() => {reject(new Error('done'))}, 100)), {
failText: 'damn',
pendingText: 'waiting',
inProcessText: 'doing',
doneText: 'did',
text: 'it'
const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject ) => setTimeout(() => {reject(new Error('done'))}, 1000));
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject ) => {
promise1.catch(() => {
setTimeout(() => { resolve('done')}, 2000);
group.addInformer(promise1, {
failText: 'damn',
pendingText: 'waiting',
inProcessText: 'doing',
doneText: 'did',
text: 'it'
const informer2 = group.addInformer(null, {
failText: 'damn',
pendingText: 'waiting',
inProcessText: 'doing',
doneText: 'did',
text: 'it'
setTimeout(() => {
informer2.task = promise2;
}, 500);