Tango proxy to the Band 5 down-converter
The documentation for this project, including how to get started with it, can be found in the docs
folder, or browsed in the SKA development portal:
This project's requirement is managed with poetry and can be installed using a package manager or from source.
- Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:ska-telescope/ska-mid-dish-b5dc-proxy.git
- Install poetry
pip install poetry
Install the dependencies and the package.
poetry install
- Run the unit tests
make python-test
- Lint
make python-lint
- Deploy b5dcproxy with UDP server from ska-mid-dish-dcp-lib
kubectl create namespace b5dc-proxy
$ helm upgrade --install dev charts/ska-mid-dish-b5dc-proxy -n b5dc-proxy \
--set global.minikube=true \
--set global.operator=true \
--set global.dishes="{001,002}" \ # number of instances to deploy; if not specified defaults to 001
--set ska-mid-dish-dcp-lib.enabled=true \
--set ska-mid-dish-dcp-lib.b5dcSimulator.enabled=true
is not deployed by default, to deploy it add the --set
--set ska-tango-base.enabled=true
The documentation for this project can be found in the docs folder. For local builds,
plantuml is required to render the UML diagrams. Download plantuml.jar
from the plantuml website, move it to ./docs/src/utils
and run export LOCAL_BUILD=True
. Then
run the command below and browse the docs from docs/build/html/index.html
make docs-build html