If you are looking for a completed openMRS 2.x module, please try skinhelpdesk!
Dundurn Castle; Hamilton, ON. Photo Credit: beapen
openMRS is a highly customizable EMR platform that can be extended and customized by user-contributed modules. More details here: http://openmrs.org
This is a fork of https://github.com/maurya/openmrs-module-patientportaltoolkit that combines openmrs-module-personalhr/phrjournal/messagingphr and lancearmstrong
HL10 stands for Hamilton, a city in Ontario, Canada. HL10 is a conceptual framework for mHealth Behaviour Intervention Technology. Read More.. This module is (would be) an example backend implementation.
This module would extend the concept of Patient-Controlled Health Record (PCHR) to Patient-Controlled and Contributed Health Record (PCCHR) with the simple and unique HL10 data model for Behaviour Intervention Technology. Expect more on my blog and the Prodents wiki
- Install git and git clone https://github.com/E-Health/openmrs-module-patientportaltoolkit-pcchr
- Follow the steps outlined in this wiki: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/OpenMRS+SDK
Install mvn & openMRS SDK (Steps 1 & 2)
Install MySQL (Not mentioned in the wiki page)
Create OpenMRS Reference Application 2.x server
cd module-name
mvn openmrs-sdk:watch (If you are doing development)
mvn clean install
mvn openmrs-sdk:install
mvn openmrs-sdk:run
Import project to IDE as a maven project
Login with admin/Admin123 at http://localhost:8080/openmrs
Click on 'PHR Icon on homepage'
Learn more about this (and several other) initiatives on PRO{DENTS} Group. Feel free to adopt a GitFlow workflow by joining the E-Health org on Github OR the usual forking workflow Pull-requests welcome and highly appreciated.
- B Eapen - Contact Me
- maurya - Original repo
- You :)