- this project use viper read config file for log
- config reader use github.com/spf13/viper
- log use go.uber.org/zap
- rotation use gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2
in go mod project, last version is v1.1.0
# before above global settings
# test version info
$ git ls-remote -q http://github.com/sinlovgo/zlog.git
# test depends see full version
$ go list -v -m -versions github.com/sinlovgo/zlog
# or use last version add go.mod by script
$ echo "go mod edit -require=$(go list -m -versions github.com/sinlovgo/zlog.git | awk '{print $1 "@" $NF}')"
$ echo "go mod vendor"
AtomicLevel: -1 # DebugLevel:-1 InfoLevel:0 WarnLevel:1 ErrorLevel:2
FieldsAuto: false # is use auto Fields key set
Key: key
Val: val
Development: true # is open Open file and line number
Encoding: console # output format, only use console or json, default is console
Filename: log/zlog.log # Log file path
MaxSize: 16 # Maximum size of each log file, Unit: M
MaxBackups: 10 # How many backups are saved in the log file
MaxAge: 7 # How many days can the file be keep, Unit: day
Compress: true # need compress
TimeKey: time
LevelKey: level
NameKey: logger
CallerKey: caller
MessageKey: msg
StacktraceKey: stacktrace
import (
func main() {
// default config conf/config.yaml
err := zlog.Init("")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("zlog init error %v\n", err)
zlog.Sugared.Debugf("Sugared DEBUG info %s", "message")
zlog.Sugared.Infof("Sugared INFO info %v", "message")
zlog.Sugared.Infof("Sugared info num %d", 10)
zlog.Sugared.Debug("Sugared Debug can not format %v", "debug-info")
use to replace
to you code -
and run
make init
- test code
make test
add main.go file and run
make run
- golang sdk 1.13+
base docker file can replace